Systematic methodology

Systematic ethnology

 Systematic anthropology

Systematic linguistics

Population geogenetics

Systematic poetics

 Systematic fokloristics





Prehistoric tribes

 Prehistoric races

Prehistoric languages

Prehistoric archaeology

   Prehistoric religions

Prehistoric folklore















*     Racial taxonomy

*     Ethnical taxonomy

*     Europids

*     Nordids

*     Indids

*     Littoralids

*     Caucasoids

*     Elamitoids

*     Negrids

*     Melanids

*     Tungids

*     Pelasgids

*     Cimbroids

*     Turanids 

*     Ugro-Scythids

*     Uralo-Sarmatids

*     Lappids

*     Sinids




*     Spain                France

*     Italy       Benelux

*      Britain         Celts

*      Scandinavia  

*     Germany

*     Balts        Slavs

*     Greece

*     Thrace

*     Anatolia





                 The Anthropology of Scythids and Ugrids

                Clickable terms are red on the yellow background






Map 1. The prehistoric travels of Ugrids and Scythoids

(from Pavel Bělíček: The Atlas of Systematic Anthropology III. The Analytic Survey of European Anthropology. Prague 2018, Map 12, pp. 59)


Map 2. The distribution of the negative Rhesus blood group O

The Ugro-Scythoid Nations with Megalithic Tumuli


     An equally big chunk of Eurasian ethnic culture was formed by the megalith people of Basco-Abkhazo-Scythoids. Their conquests invaded Europe in the Cyclopean Bronze Age whereas the Uralo-Sarmatians subdued European peasantry in the Iron Age. In Central Asia they prided on the exclusive standing of Royal Scythians. In China they took hold of reign when the Hsia dynasty crowned its king with the title wang. In ancient Greece the Mycenaean Cyclops installed the rule of their king called wanax or wa-na-ka. They were notorious for the tall robust physiognomy of ‘one-eyed’ brachycephalous giants but as they often intermarried with wives from the shorter Celtic nations, they stepwise lost most of their eccentric traits.

  The Mycenaean Cyclopes adored as their supreme god Uranos, whose twin brother is sought in the Indian patron of herdsmen called Varuna. Their name derives from the Scythoid phratry of Ugrians and Ingrians. The reign of Uranos in the ancient Greek pantheon was recorded in architecture by the Mycenaean tholos graves and the Treasury of Atreus, whose tomb is erroneously attributed to Atreus. Mycenaean tholoi were dome-shaped constructions guarded by leonine sphinxes. The impact of Cyclopean architecture was felt also in Athens, whose central town-hall was described as tholos. In front of its doors was a circular meeting-place and training-ground called agora. The philosophy of circular cupola-shaped constructions found an echo in Stonehenge, its circle of tall standing stones and the Arthurian ‘round table’ reserved for debates of the council of elders.


Scythians/Scots/Saka/Sogdians (stag) – Mysii/Mushkoi (felines, cats) – Basques/Abkhaz (lion) – Ugrians/Ugarites/Ukrainians (capricorn) –   Mitannians/Medes/Magyars (eagle)


steppe grassland, savannas, mountainous pastures, unconquerable hill-forts on high promontories and rocky reefs


hunting the mammoth, buffalo and big mammals, breeding bovine domestic cattle, military crafts, slave-holding, blood-letting


beehive huts and houses with a low entrance, circular cupola-shaped stone house tholos, arched vaulting, dome-shaped roofage


totem cults of feline ancestors, leonine sphinxes, worshipping Ahura Mazda, Mithra, Uranos and Varuna, dualism recognising good and bad angels, later it transformed into monotheism, golden masques for kings, golden effigies of stags and lions


mummifying the dead corpse of prominent persons, greasing the corpse with sacred ointment, winding it with a bandage of a long cloth and deposing it in a domed-shaped cairn tholos with a low horizontal entrance (prodromos); cairns were covered by huge heaps of stones, similar Scythian kurgans, Balkan mound tumuli graves, Scottish cairns and Anatolian mausolea


Scythoid megalith-builders believed in solar and ocular magic, they used it to measure the incidence of sun beams; evil curses were pronounced by maledictions and evil-eye casting


robust tall giant stature, brachycephalous skull, aquiline nose, light reddish skin, red hair


Mousterian flake tools with repeated retouch, leaf-shaped points fixed to the head of lances (lanceoliths), bronze daggers, bows with an arrow as prototypes of stringed instruments   


leather mantle from hides tied with a clasp and tossed over the left shoulder so as to let the right arm free for throwing spears


ABO group O, Rh-, Y DNA haplogroup Q, mtDNA haplogroup A or X


alliteration, initial consonance, heroic chants, heroic epic sung to the lyre, harp, lute and other stringed musical instruments, evil-eye charms


agglutination, incorporation, vowel ǝ, alternating b - m, fricatives þ, θ, γ, χ, k-duals, k-plurals, definite articles, OSV order

Table 1. The cultural paradigm of megalith-builders

    Megalithic stone monuments derived from straw beehive-dwellings with a low entrance and finally resulted in Anatolian mausolea, Scottish cairns and Islamic mosques. Their earliest archetype is seen in the Mousterian mammoth bone huts at the site Molodovo I. Their occurrence spanned from the Chukchee yaranga constructions to African cattle-breeders and reached as far as the Khoisan beehive hut matjieshuis from boughs, straw and cow-dung. The Khoisan camps with beehive huts were surrounded by a circular enclosure for cattle called kraal. The end points of this long Mousterian migration route are now remarkable for languages with analytic constructions, indefinite and definite articles, collective plurals in -t and distinctive duals in -k.

    When the rule of Uranos in archaic Greece broke down and his throne fell prey to Kronos, the power of Cyclopean nobility inhabiting round castles weakened and gave ground to the Titanids from the kin of Graikoi headed by Cronos. New inhabitants of the Myceanaean acropolis began to bury their dead in shaft-graves and cist-tombs. The Mycenaean civilisation cannot be associated with Greek etymologies, its warrior class colonised a long belt of land leading from the Mushkoi1 on the Euphrat to Mysia in Anatolia and to the Bessoi and Mysians in Thrace. Its ancestry in Sumerian Ur, Anatolia, Thrace and Scythia Magna in the Ukraine can be discerned according to rich golden treasures with royal golden masques, golden effigies of stags and leonine or feline divinities symbolising main Scythoid phratries in Table 27.

   The Iranian Medes professed Zarathustra’s religion of Zoroastrism. Its celestial hierarchy attributed the highest position to their clan ancestor Ahura Mazda. The role of evil devil was entrusted to Ahriman, whose name is associated with Aryans. But it is more probable that it hinted at Angra Mainyu or Ahriman, the ancestor of all Ugrids. Nations on the Indian subcontinent prayed to four principal deities Varuna, Mithra, Nāsatja and Indra. Their names allude to their doppelgängers revered in the kingdom of Mitanni. Ancient records spelled their names as A-ru-na, Mi-it-ra, Na-ša-ti-ya and In-da-ra.1 Mazda Mithra and Vishnu were good sun-gods adored by Medes, Varuna and Angra Mainju were evil gods worshipped by the Ugric moiety of Scythian and Sindhian megalith-builders.



The Red-Haired Cyclopes with the negative Rhesus O blood group


    Altaic big-game hunters were of different extraction, Uralids and Mongolids fell to the Y DNA haplogroup N, while Ugroids and Scythoids pertained to the DNA haplogroup Q. The former ranges along a long belt of northern Eurasia from Scandinavia to the Far East. The latter is very abundant in American prairies.

   In the New World Eurasian colonists split into the Algonquin buffalo-hunters and the Uto-Aztecan fishermen. The Algonquins and Quechuans lived in dome-shaped wigwams and displayed the haplogroup Q. The typological patterns of Algonquin tribes corresponded to their Palaeo-Siberian ancestors (Koryaks, Chukchee, Ostyaks, Mansi) with the haplogroup Q but its higher rates remained perceptible only in northern Eurasia. On the other hand, the Uto-Aztecan group continued the ancestry of Tungusic fishermen by building conical tepee-tents and adhering to the Y DNA haplogroup C. The Inuits exhibited the mutation R1-M173 and their overwhelming prevalence in northwest Canada confirmed Eskimo myths about their arrival from Greenland.

   Eurasian haplogroups show a high prevalence of the Y DNA genome C in the Tungusic population, while the Y DNA type N prevails in the Uralic ethnic group. The Y haplogroup R tends to dominate among all branches of the Turcoid stock but it is too wide-spread for drawing accurate conclusions. The higher rates of Y DNA haplogroup Q show high agreement with the westward spread of Scythian and Chudic kurgans. Their funeral architecture propagated to Scandinavia and emerged in western Europe as an offshoot of cairns piled up by Scottish megalith-builders. The Basque megalith-builders in southern Europe descended from Berber colonies in North Africa and inherited also their high rates of Rh-negativity. All megalithic peoples diverged from their Altaic kinsfolk by exhibiting a pronounced predominance of the blood group O. This incongruity concerns the megalithic tribes of Berbers and Basques as well as all Amerindians and undermines the general belief in their appurtenance to Asiatic Mongoloid races. As far as the genetic ABO type O of Amerindians and Eurasian cairn-builders diverges from the blood group B common to other Altaic nations, there exists a simple elucidation for its transmutation at hand. The Asiatic mammoth-hunters drifted to Europe from the Middle Palaeolithic Mousterian culture1 in Siberia and their tall robust stature was due to contacts with Homo lantianensis and H. erectus in China. Their genetic patterns were distorted by overlapping with the blood group O.

   An unconquerable hindrance in the ethnic identification of Altaic peoples is classic comparative linguistics and its assimilated language families. The chief superstratum in the Uralic family is formed by ‘Estono-Marian’ nations (Estonian, Mari, Mordvin, Murom, Merya and Norva or Neroma) with t-plurals. Their fraternal subdominant of kurgan-builders with k-plurals included a group of ‘Chudic Ugrians’ such as Ingrians, Hungarians, Mansi, Khanty, and Veps. A different race was represented also by the Lappish reindeer breeders (Lapps, Samoyeds, Enets, Nenets, Sel’kup) with i/e-plurals. The first two penetrated also into the Iranian area and got Iranised under the Indo-European influence. In their middle the ‘Chudic Ugrians’ reappeared as horseback-riding Scythians (Saka, Sakae, Sogdians) and Medes (Μῆδοι, Madai). Another alien intrusion was due to Uralic ‘Estono-Marian’ people who infiltrated into the Iranian neighbourhood as Sarmatians (from Uralic Cheremiss), Ossetes (Yaszy, Yazygi), Roxolanoi (Rushani), Vakhi and Aryans. Uralic ancestors maintained the original hunting economy whereas the Iranian colonists mastered horseback-riding and their militant cavalry began to invade vast territories of Eurasia. If we abstract from their secondary Iranian surrounding, their long-range travels support the proposal to classify them as Sarmatoids and Scythoids. In case these terms could not surpass the insuperable influence of traditional ethnology, their pair might be denoted by alternative Non-Iranian designations of Uraloids and Abkhazoids. The suffix -oid denotes kindred populations resemblant to the staple group. The suffix -id may be reserved for their corresponding racial varieties.

   All Altaic tribes professed religious ideas anticipating the later doctrines of Islamic monotheism. Their universe was torn asunder by the dualistic opposition discerning deities of the good (Yahve) and the evil (Satan). Judging by their names, they came into being as ancestors of the two opposite tribal moieties and phratries. Nomadic fishermen prayed to Tengri and Baal (Apollo), while the Siberian big-game hunters and Iranian horse-breeders adored Mazda (Mazdaism, Zoroastrism), Mithra (Mithraism), Indra and Marduk. These positive godheads had antipodes in negative evil deities such as Satan, Ahriman, Veles, Esetan and Yezdan, the chief demiurge in Yazidis’ Yazdânism. The origins of such a bipartition inhered in the distinction between clans of ruling chieftains and shaman medicinemen.

    Map 2 below demonstrates that the  negative O blood groups is characteristic  of the Basques, Berber Imazhigen, Irishmen, Scots, Scandinavians and Uralo-Ugric nations. Their main bearers were Ugrids who spread it also to the New World. Amerindians continued in building their typical beehive dwellings preserved  in the Palaeo-Siberian Eskimo  igloos and the Algonquian wigwams. These human varieties  (especially Irishmen,  Scots, Scandinavians, Ugrids and Algonquians)  wore also red hair. Their  remote relatives were also Australian Aranda tribes and other Australoid mummifiers with shabby bee-hive huts.


Extract from Pavel Bělíček: The Atlas of Systematic Anthropology I. The Synthetic Classification of Human Phenotypes and Varieties. Prague 2018, pp. 85-90


Table  3. The distribution of red-haired human phenotypes in Europe



Map 4. The Algonquin centre of red-haired humans in North America


1  I. M. Diakonoff: Yazyki drevney Peredney Azii. Moskva 1967; Predystoriya armyanskogo naroda. Yerevan 1968. 264p.

1  Georges Dumézil: Mitra-Varuna, Indra, les Nāsatya comme patrons des trois fonctions cosmiques et sociales. Lund : Studia Linguistica, 1947.

1 Peter N. Peregrine - Melvin Amber: Encyclopaedia of Prehistory. Vol. 3: East Asia and Oceania. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2001, Table 15.