The following tables attempt to provide a
systematic classification of human races. As its methodology refuses to
adhere to strict monogenesis, it proposes a model of collinear paragenesis
and parallel sapientisation involving a quadripartition of four principal
lineages. The sign † serves for denoting inadequate
and controversial labels that are recommended for avoiding. If their entry is
entered after the alphabetical bullet a), a more appropriate denomination
follows after the alphabetical bullet a′).
The sign draws
attention to new coinage introduced in this publication and it may be quoted
with reference to its edition. It
indicates that the term is not common in current usage. The sign > recommends convenient substitutions and pliable terms for
surveyable geographical reference.
Oldowan dolichocephalous
axe-tool makers and herbivorous (pre)agriculturalists
Negrids: tall robust dolichocephals, pentagonal cranium,
sagittal keel; chamaerrhinia, platyrrhinia: broad round nasal cavity,
absence of nasal sill; prognathism, thick lips; rectangular orbits,
deep eye-holes, wide interorbital gap; rainforest habitat, rectangular
longhouses, fringed grass aprons, bare-breasted women, water-pail
head-carrying; prenasalised stops, prefixing classifiers
Ancestor: Homo erectus, Oldowan
culture (2,6 Ma), later colonisations of pebblestone chopping tools
Subspecies I: Homines
sapientes nigri, afri et alfuri (Linné 1758, Lesson 1827) = Westnegriden,
Ostnegriden (Eickstedt 1934) >
Afro-Negrids, Afro-Melanids, Indo-Negrids, Sino-Negrids
Variety 1: Homo s. niger afer >
Generation 1: Homo s. palaeniger
(Montandon 1937, Eickstedt 1934) = Palänegride
> Palaeo-
Negrid called also Zambesid or Bergdama (Katangids, South Bantu, Bergdama and
Shara tribes)
Generation 2: Homo s. neoniger =
Neo-Negrid (modern blacks coming from
Sangoans, 130,000 BP)
Subvariety 1: Homo s. niger congicus > Congid, Congoid Afro-Negrid (Y-hg
E-M96, mt-hg L)
Subvariety 2: Homo s. niger kenynsis > Bantuid (East
Africans, Y-hg E2-M75, mt-hg L0, L2*)
Subvariety 3: Homo s. niger quinesensis > Guinesid (West Africans, Y-hg
E1a-M132, mt-hg L1b)
Subspecies II: Homines sapientes melanici >
Melanids (Oldowan colonists, 1,8 Ma)
Variety 1: Homo s. adenomelanicus >
Adeno-Melanid (blacks in the south of Saudi Arabia)
Variety 2: Homo s. indomelanicus (Eickstedt 1937, ex Deniker
1900) = Indomelanide > Indo-Negrid
a) Homo s. i. carnaticus (Eickstedt 1937) = Südmelanide >
Karnatid, the Tamil Nandu in South India
b) Homo s. i. sinhalicus
= Sinhalesid (Eickstedt 1934), Sinhalese blacks in Sri Lanka
c) Homo s. i. kolidus (Eickstedt 1928, 1937) = Nordmelanide
> Kolid (Kolarians in West Bengal)
d) Homo s. i. gondicus (Eickstedt 1937, ex 1931) = Gondide
(Eickstedt 1937) > Gondid, Malid
e) Homo s. i. veddalis (Haeckel 1898, ex Sarasin 1893,
Knussmann 1996) = Weddide > Veddid
f) Homo s. i. ayeyarwadyensis = Hmongid (Burmese tribes
along the Ayeyarwady/Irrawaddy
Variety 3: Homo s. niger sinomelanicus > Sino-Melanid, Hmong-Mien or Miao-Yao
Variety 4: Melanesid:
archaic varieties of Negrids in New Caledonia, Papua and Melanesia
a) Homo s. niger melaninus (Bory 1825) = Melaneside
> Melanesid, Melano-Negrid (Y-hg M),
b) Homo s. niger
australasicus (Bory 1825) = Australide > Australo-Negrid,
Variety 5: Homo s. niger
brasilianus (Eickstedt 1937, ex d'Orbigny 1839) = Brasilide,
Amazonid (Biasutti, 1967, Lundman,
1967 ) > Latino-Negrid (Tupí-Guaraní tribes in Brazil)
Reclassifications of Negrids:
†Variety 1a: Homo s. niger (Haeckel 1898)
= Sudanid > Sudano-Ugrid
†Variety 1b: Homo s. niloticus
(Montandon 1937) = Nilotid > Nilo-Ugrid, Afro-Massaid
†Variety 1c: Homo s. cafer (Bory
1825) = Kafrid, Bantuid > Pele-Thonga Afro-Pelasgid
Acheulean dolichocephalous
axe-tool makers with (pre)agriculturalist subsistence
Acheulean Gothonids: dolicho- to
mesocephalic skull, light to brownish skin colour, curly, wavy or frizzly
hair, long narrow leptorrhine nose, rectangular orbits, strong massive
chin, brown to blonde hair, rich pilosity and body hair, ABO blood group O,
Y-haplogroups I1, I2, J1, J2; rectangular wattle and daub houses on
elevated tell-mounds and sand-dunes; bovine deities and bull
worship; adaptation of prefixing classifiers to agglutinative suffixation
and case flexion, the correlation of voiced and voiceless stops, two- and
three-morae vowel quantity, quantitative prosody, processional hymns and
recitatives with precentors to iconolatric wooden idols of deities
Subspecies III: Homines sapientes albi (Gmelin 1788) =
Caucasoids > Acheulean Gothonids
Ancestors: Homo ergaster?, Acheulean
culture (1,76 Ma)
Macrolithic Gothids: Eurasian
Nordic dolichocephals with macrolithic axes
Variety 1: Homines s. albi xanthochroici (Huxley 1870) = Blondrassengürtel,
Ancestor: Homo s. albus europaeus = Micoquian
Gothid (Micoquian culture, 130,000
elongated hand-axes) >
Subvariety 1: Homo sapiens albus europaeus (Linné 1758) =
Europid, Nordid > Gothid
a) Homo s. eu. nordicus (Sergi 1908) = [†Teutonordid] >
Scando-Gothid (Gotho-Frisian
Corded Ware culture with
battle axes and Y-hg I1)
Forms: Anglo-Saxons, Juto-Frisians, Baltic Yotvingo-Prussians,
Ud(murt)-Permians, Geto-Dacians
in the Balkans,
Geto-Persians in Iran,
Khattri-Brahmans in India
b) Homo s. a. eu. danubianus = Europid > Norico-Gothid
(Langobardian Linear Band Culture
(fertile alluvial lowlands,
longhouses on the riverside bottom of valleys, Y-hg I2)
c) Homo s. a. eu. ibericus = Atlanto-Mediterranide
> Littorid, Ibero-Gothid (Franco-Swabian Bell
Beaker culture, shell
midden dumps on sand-dunes, Y-hg I1)
d) Homo s. a. eu. rugianus = Europid >
Dano-Gothid (Rugian Funnel Beaker culture, TBK,
Reihengräberkultur, ‘row grave culture’ burials)
Subvariety 2: Homo sapiens albus asiaticus (colonisations of
the Corded Ware in Mehrgahr and the
Vindhyas Ranges in India (10,000 BC,
its northern branch in the Jomon culture, 14,000 BC)
a) †Homo s. a. eu. indoafghanus
(Giuffrida-Ruggeri 1917) = Nordindide
a′) Homo s. a. eu. getopersicus = Getid > Irano-Getid,
Irano-Gothonids: arid dryland
agriculture, tell-sites on artificial mounds, flat-roofed
multi-roomed labyrinths, religious elementalism, cults of Mother Earth and
Father Heaven, their sacred marriage hieros gamos, bull worship,
bull fighting, bull leaping, ergative constructions, b-plurals
Variety 2: Homines s. albi elamitici, Acheulean descendants
in Ethiopia, Anatolia, Iran and Myanmar
s. albus elamiticus = Caucasoid (Y-hg J1, J2) > Irano-Gothonid, Elamitoid
b) Homo s. a. e. africanus (Sergi 1908) = Aethiopide,
Ethiopid > Afro-Gothonid
Homo s. a. e. anatolicus = Anatolo-Gothonid (Hattians,
Hittites, Kittim, Heth)
d) Homo s. e. georgicus =
Georgo-Gothonid (Georgians, Mingrelians)
e) Homo s. e. elamiticus =
Elamo-Gothonid (Elamites, Susians, Gutii)
f) Homo s. e. indicus (Bory 1825) = Indid >
Elamitoid, Indo-Gothonid (Gadaba, Kota)
g) Homo s. e. burmensis = Burmid >
Burmo-Gothonid (Myanmar)
h) Homo s. e. zhuangensis
= Zhuang Sinid > Sino-Elamitoid (farmers of South China
continuing the lineage of Burmids and professing the elementalist
religion of Moism)
Gothonids, shell-midden Littorids: littoral
shell-fish eaters with campaniform pottery
Variety 3: Homines s. albi
littorales = Littorids
Generation 1: tribes of Mugem, Asturian and Campignian culture
(10,000 BC) with shell midden
Generation 2: Bell Beaker Folk
cultures, Homo s. a. eu. ibericus
a) Homo s. a. littoralis
atlanticus = Ibero-Gothid, Euro-Litterid
b) Homo s. a. littoralis
beridus = Berid (an islet
of dolichocephals in southwest France)
c) Homo s. a. littoralis
africanus = Afro-Littorid,
shell-fish eaters with campaniform
settled along the western seashores of Africa from Morocco to Guinea, Angola and South Africa
Subvariety 1: Trans-Siberian Littorids of Campignian origin >
Sibero-Littorids, Jomonids
a) Homo s. a. littoralis
sibiricus =
Sibero-Littorid (Jomon culture with the Corded Ware in
Japan and Korea, 14,000 BC, Okhotsk culture of
coastal littoral fishers (600 AD)
b) Homo s. a. littoralis
khitanus = Huanghoid (Liu 1937, Baker 1981), North Sinid (Eickstedt 1934),
Khitanid, this
tall dolichocephalous race of millet farmers was identified with the tribe
of Chinese
Khitans, Qìdān),
considered as ancestral to the Jomon Corded Ware (14,000 BC)
Subvariety 2: Homo s. a.
littoralis oceanicus = Oceano-Littorid (Y-hg K),
Lapita cultures (1600 BC)
in Oceanic, Melanesian and Polynesian waters
Subvariety 3: Homines s. a.
littorales americani =
Amero-Litrorids, Latino-Littorids
a) Homo s. a. l. americanus = Amero-Littorid (American littorids, 3500 BC, Haida littorids)
b) Homo s. a. l.
lagoanus = Lagid (the Macro-Gê family in the east of Latin America)
c) Homo s. a. l. huarpidus = Huarpid, kitchin middens of
shell-fish eaters in South Chile
Gravettian Subnordic Lappids: brachycephalous
roundheads, low-skulled cranium, shortsized, endomorphous and brachyskelic
figure, longer arms but shorter legs; short, small and concave nose; ABO
blood group A, Africa-based Y-haplogroups E-V13, E-M81; urnfielders with
cinerary urns and cremation burials; semisubterranean and lean-to huts;
languages with melodic accent, palatal stops and nasal vowels; realistic,
humoresque and picaresque folkore, trickster tales and mendicant carrols
Series A: Homines s. albi brachimorphi (Giuffrida-Ruggeri
1912) = Bergrassengürtel (Eickstedt 1937)
Series A′: Homo s. alpinus (Lapouge 1899, ex Linné
1758) > Alpinid, Lappid
Ancestor: Furfooz and Ofnet race, Gravettian culture (33,000 BP),
shortsized brachycephals
1: Alpinid: Homo s. alpinus (Lapouge 1899, ex Linné 1758) = Alpine
> Alpinid, Gallid
a) Homo s. a. gallicus (Lapouge 1899, ex Linné 1758) = Alpine > Alpinid, Gallid
b) Homo s. a. cevenolicus (Eickstedt 1937, ex Deniker 1900) = Westalpine,
Cevennid > Gaelid
c) Homo s. a. albanicus = Albanid,
Variety 2: Slavid: Homo s. slavonicus (Fischer 1829,
ex Bory 1825) = Osteuropide > Slavo-Lappid
a) Homo s. a. slavonicus intermedius = Slavid, Slavo-Lappid
b) Homo s. a. palaeoslavonicus = Palaeo-Slavid (Gravettian, Stroked Ware, 4600 BC), Slavs, Sorbians
c) Homo s. a. neoslavonicus = Neo-Slavid
(Lausitz/Lusatian culture 1300 BC), Wends, Croatians
Variety 3: Lappid: Homo s. lapponicus, Scandinavian
a) Homo s. a. lappo (Erxleben 1777) = Lappide >
Scando-Lappid (Finns-Fenni, Saami, Álfar)
b) Homo s. a. l. balticus = Balto-Lappid (Galinda, Letgalians)
c) Homo s. a. l. samoyedicus = Samoyedid > Uralo-Lappid (reideer-raising tribes of Enets and Nenets)
Leptolithic Ichthyophages
and nomadic fishers
Leptolithic Levalloisian Pelasgo-Tungids:
tall and leptoprosopic flattish faces, high lower face, high-skulled
hypsicranic skulls; narrow leptorhine noses, high protruding cheekbones;
narrower eye apertures; fatter eye-lids, residual epicanthus, small
interorbital gap, ABO blood group B, Y-hg C, laminal
retroflex stops and fricatives, fortis and lenis consonants, vowel harmony,
lambdacism, l-plurals
Homo sapiens denisovansis, Levalloisians with
flint-flake tools (500,000 BP)
Subspecies IV: Tungid, Homo sapiens denisovansis, also Homo s. denisova, Homo sapiens subsp.
Denisova or Homo sapiens altaiensis (the
latter term is most appropriate because the Altai Range in Kyrgyzstan seems to be the original homeland of Tungids and Turanids
1: Homo s. pelagius = Pelasgid
(nomadic lacustrine fishers with conical roundhouses)
1: Levalloisian flake-tool manufacturers tribes living as nomadic fishers
around lakes linking the Jordan Rift with the Great East African Depression;
their migrations are dated back to 90,000 BP, 125,000 and 500,000 BP and
headed also from Palestine to
the Riwat sites in Punjab.
2: Aurignacian Tungids spreading from Siberian tundras and the Black
Sea to Western
Europe (40,000 BP); they were remarkable for
conical tepee huts and lakeside post-dwellings
3: Pelasgoid tribes spreading the Cardial Impresso pottery along the
northern coasts
the Mediterranean Sea
from 6400 BC to 5500 BC
a) Homo s. pelagius (meridionalis,
Fischer 1829, ex Bory 1827) = Mediterranid > Pelasgid
b) Mediterranid (Cardium Impresso Ware cultures along the Mediterranean
seashores from Byblos
and Spain,
Mediterranean pirates and seafarers, Sea Peoples, peuples de la mer
Forms: Pelasgo-Danaids, Apullo-Daunians,
Lydian-Carians, Palestino-Danites, Afar-Danakil
c) Homo s. p. mediterranensis (Ujfalvy
1896) = Grazilmediterrane, Atlanto-Mediterranid, Gracile
Mediterranid: Ibero-Pelasgid, tribes of Pelendones
with conical roundhouses
Variety 2: Pele-Thongids,
Afro-Mediterranids, Afro-Pelasgids. Pele/Pede-Thonga tribes
a) Homo s. p. cafer (Bory 1825) = Kafride,
Bantuide > Kafrid, Pele-Thonga Afro-Pelasgid
(Levallosian flake-tool cultures,
500,000 BP, lakeside conical roundhouses in the Great Depression
leading from East Africa to the Jordan Rift), his gracile look led to identification with
Homo sapiens
b) †Homo
s. p. eurafricanus (Sergi 1908, ex Aleobe 1936) = Eurafrikanide
> Eurafricanid
b′) Homo s. p.
iberomauritiensis = Libyid (Iberomaurusian culture, 23,950 BP),
Dabban culture in
linking Mechta-Afalou, Mouillian
and Oranian racial types
c) Homo s. p. mandensis (tribal
groupings of Mandé, Mandinka and Songhai
uniting nomadic fishers
arrived to West Africa
from the Near East,
they migrated via the Sahel
zone around 6000 BC)
Variety 3: Pontids, Tungids that arrived
from Siberia about 40,000
BC and formed the hatchery of
Aurignacian nomadic fishers wandering on westward colonisation to France in
36,000 BC
a) †Homo
aurignaciensis hauseri (Klaatch - Hauser 1910) = Aurignacid (tall-faced
man from Combe-Capelle, 9 600 BP)
a′) Homo s.
tungicus aurignaciensis = Aurignacid
(Aurignacian Tungid, ancestral to Chasséen)
b) Homo s. tungicus ponticus = Pontid (the
colonies of East-European Mediterranids composed from
Kypchaks and Volga Bulgars; they resided north of the Black
Sea, created the ochre pit-
culture Yamnaya (3300 BC) and
practiced ochre burials besprinkled with ochre dye
c) Homo s. tungicus carpathicus =
Carpathids: the Carpathians seem to be a favourite oronym of
encompassing the tribes of Rumanian Balti, Hungarian Ipoly tribes and
Polish Opolans
d) Homo s. tungicus polonicus =
Polonid: the racial
variety of Epi-Aurignacian lake-dwellers and
fishers left over after the Aurignacian colonisation of the Euxine Sea
Pontids to France;
tribal groupings of Polane, Polochane and Balts
e) †Homo s. tungicus hyperboreus (Bory
1825) = †Sibiride (Eickstedt 1937) > Karelid
e′) Homo s. tungicus carelicus =
Karelids: the
fraternal race of Greek Pelasgians, who denoted them
Hyperboreans and situated them to the northern subarctic zone; their huts lavvu
in Finland
slanting roofs and gables with crossed beams in tepee-like manner
f) Homo s. tungicus balticus =
Baltid (nomadic
fishers of Balts, Lithuanians, Latwians, Curones)
g) Homo s. tungicus ladoganus =
Ladogan race (lacustrines residing on Ladoga and Onega
Variety 4: Tagalogids, Telugids, Indo-Mediterranids, Sino-Pelasgids
a) †Homo s. i. indogracilis (Eickstedt
1937, ex 1931) = Grazilindide (Dravidian Telugu)
a′) Homo s. pelagius telugensis = Telugid (Tulu and
Telugu tribes in the Dravidian family)
b) Homo s. p. palaunicus (Eickstedt 1937,
ex 1928) = Palaungide > Palaungid
c) Homo s. p. tagalogensis =
Tagalogid (Tagalog
people and Tagalog-speakers in the Philippines)
Variety 5: Tongid (the
dominant lineage of the Polynesian seafarers with stilt-huts and
a) †Homo s. occidentalis (Fischer
1829, ex Bory 1827) = Polyneside > Oceano-Pelasgid
(flower cults, seashore
stilt-dwellings, catamaran barks and seafaring, Y-hg C2)
b) †Homo s. o. polinesianus
(Sergi 1908) = Polyneside > Oceano-Tungid (Palau-Tongans)
b′) Homo s. pelagius tonganus =
Tongid (Oceanic
tribes of Palau
and Tonga
islands in Polynesia,
have to be distinguished from Micronesids, Arikis and Littorids with the
Lapita culture)
Variety 6: Homo s. tungicus = Tungid:
tall, narrow and flattish face, high protruding cheekbones, epicanthus with
fat eye lids, narrow eye apertures, whitish and yellowish skin; straight leiotrichous hair, subsistence as nomadic fishers, lacustrine and
riverine lake-dwellers with tall
tepee tents; Y-hg C, ABO blood group B, flower-cults, cherry-tree growing,
ochre cults, ochre burials, acorn-eating
a) Homo s. tungicus sibiricus >
Sibero-Tungid (riverine and lakeside
fishers with tall tepee tents)
b) Homo s. tungicus aurignaciensis =
Aurignacid > Euro-Tungid (Aurignacian long prismatic
37,000 BP, Leptolithic flake-tool industry)
c) Homo s. tungicus baradostiensis = Baradostian culture, 36,000 BC,
d) Homo s. tungicus ponticus = Pontid, Pontic Mediterranid >
Variety 7: Aztecid, Pacifids and
Uto-Aztecan Silvids > Amero-Tungids (tall
tepee tents, acorn-eaters)
a) Homo s. colombicus (Bory 1825) = Silvide >
Amero-Tungid (tepee huts out of cedar bark)
b) Homo s. aztecanus > Amero-Tungid
(Uto-Aztecan tribes with lake-dwellings and tepee
tents, flower cult, cultic wells, fountains and
cenotes, acorn-eating, Y-hg C)
Reclassifications of Pelasgo-Tungids:
† Varietas 1: Homo s. tatarus
(Erxleben 1777) = Tungide > Turanid
† a) Homo s. h. palaeasiaticus (Gregory 1921)
= Ostsibiride > Tungid
Microlithic ichthyophagi and
rockcut-cave dwellers
Cimbro-Turanids: high lower face, tall leptoprosopic
faces that are flattish and narrow in breadth, high-skulled hypsicranic
skull, slender body; the nose is narrow, leptorrhine, higher protruding
cheekbones, narrower eye apertures; ABO blood group B, Y-hg R*-M173, R1,
R1a, R1b and R2, apical retroflex stops and fricatives, rhotacism, rhotic
diphthongs, fortis and lenis consonants, vowel harmony, r-plurals,
agglutination, vowel harmony, dirges in elegiac distichs, auletics
Descent from Levalloisians and Homo
sapiens denisovanensis
Primary ancestors: Proto-Turanids (33,000 BP),
formerly called Proto-Malays, microblade cultures with boomerangs and
throwing-knives, Y-hg R*-M173, related to European Perigordians,
Secondary ancestors: Madgalenians with microlithic
flake-tools (17,000 BP)
†Varietas: Homo s. eurasicus (Sergi
1908)] = Turanide > Turanid
Subspecies V: Turanid, Homo sapiens turanicus = Turanid,
Generation 1: Homo s. palaeturanicus =
Paleo-Turanid, Proto-Turanid: Turcoid microblade
cultures, chain of Proto-Turanids and Proto-Malays with the Y-hg R1-M173,
their original home and centre was in the Kirghiz parts of the Altai
Mountains about 35,000 BC
Variety 1: Homo s. palaeturanicus,
knife-throwing cannibals in Eurasia
and Africa
a) Périgordian culture with flint knives and
bladelets (35,000 BC) in France
b) Cushite and
Azande cannibalist knife-throwers in East and Central
c) Homo s. p. protomalayus (Eickstedt 1937,
ex Sarasin 1905) = Protomalayide > Proto-Turanid
d) Homo s. p. papuensis (Fischer 1829) = Papuasid (Proto-Turanid
Australoid with Y- hg R1-M173)
e) Australian boomerang-throwers with circumcision
rituals (c. 30,000 BC)
Variety 2: Amerindian varieties of cannibals with
rock shelters, circumcision rites and R1-M173
a) Yukon Eskimids with R1-M173 (Alaska,
northwest Canada)
b) American cliff-dwellers with rock-overhang
shelters and circumcision rituals (13,500 BP) >
Amero-Turanids (Cree, Illinois,
Floridan Seminole, Pueblan invaders)
c) Patagonian Fuegids: Yaghan and Ono fishers,
Andean Cuncaicha rock shelters, Argentinian
de las Manos ‘cave of the hands’ (13,000 BP)
Generation 2: Homo s. neoturanicus = Neo-Turanids,
tribes of nomadic fishers and antelope-hunters
with triangular and trapezoid microliths inlaid into bone hafts that
served as cutting sabres
Variety 3: Homo s. neoturanicus
eurasicus = Turanid drifting from Central Asia to western Eurasia
a) Homo s. neoturanicus kirghisiensis = Neo-Turanid (the birthplace of Altai Microlithic,
20,000 BP)
b) Homo s. neoturanicus zarzianensis = Zarzianid (first heralds of Zarzian
Microlithic, 20,000 BP)
c) † H. s.
eur. pamiriensis (Giuffrida-Ruggeri 1912) = Pamirid
c′) Homo s. neoturanicus
casachianus =
Eteo-Turanids in the Kirghiz
d) mesoraces of
Plains Pamirids and East Pamirids that include
Turanised Sarmatian steppe peoples,
Uzbek herders, Tajik
peasants, Fergana Valley tribes,
Shughni, Rushani tribes
Variety 4: Homo sapiens turanicus borealis, the northern
Mesolithic branch of microlithic Turcoid cultures headed by the Maglemosian
Microlithic bog-people (9,000 BC); their descendants were nomadic fishers
with the Y-hg R1a and pointed-base pottery containing organic
Subvariety 1: Cimbrid,
Homo s. turanicus germanicus, a chain of epi-microlithic cultures
from the Dnieper-Donets homeland of
Turanids with the Y-haplogroup R1a
a) Homo s. turanicus cossackus, race of Slavinised Turcoid cossacks in the Dnieper-Donets homeland
b) Homo s.
turanicus silesianus,
Silesian descendant of the Swiderian culture (11,000 BC) in Poland
c) †Homo s. eu. nordicus (Sergi 1908),
†Homo s. eu. teutonicus = †Teutonordid
c′) Homo s. turanicus
teutonicus (Sergi 1908) = Teutonid,
Germano-Cimbrid, Cimbroid
d) Homo
s. turanicus trøndensis = Trøndid, Trønder type (Coon 1939), Komsa culture of
e) Homo s.
turanicus baikalicus: the eastwards
colonisation of Turanids with the Y-hg R1a1a1b2-Z93
and pointed-base pottery heading for the Minusinsk basin, Lake Baikal and sites of the Afanasievo culture (3,300 BC)
Subvariety 2: Homo
sapiens turanicus meridionalis,
the southern Mesolithic branch of microlithic Turcoid cultures and their
descendants with burnished pottery and the Y-hg R1b
a) Homo turanicus hebroicus = Hebroid, Kebaran
culture (18,000 BP) and Natufians (12,500 BC)
b) Homo turanicus tauricus = Taurid,
Kimmerid (Bertil Lundman 1977), Kimmerian populations in
the Taurus
Mountains in southern Anatolia, Kherson
and in the Crimea (Tauriké)
c) Homo s. turanicus magdaleniensis = Iberid (Magdalenian reindeer hunters, 17,000 BP)
d) †Homo sapiens
mediterraneus (Madison Grant 1916) > Iberid
d′) Iberid,
Homo sapiens turanicus mediterraneus (Spanish cultures of reindeer- and
and later also goat-keepers with the Y-hg R1b and polished or burnished
e) Homo s. t. mediterraneus hibernicus > Hibernid (British Cymri, Cumbri, Irish Hiberni,
Variety 5: Indo-Turanids, the southeast
draft of rockcut-cave dwellers with the Y-hg R1b
a) Homo s. turanicus dravidiensis (Dravidian rockcut-cave dwellers with
purification rituals)
b) Homo s. turanicus
harappanensis = Brahuid (Harappa colonists
surviving in the Dravidian Brahui,
purification rites, burials in water streams, sanctuaries in
rock-cut caves) > Brahui Indo-Turanid
c) Homo s. t. tamilensis = Indo-Turanid
(Dravidian Shivaists with temples in artificial rockcut caves)
Variety 6: Afro-Turanid = Homo sapiens
afroturanicus, African Cushites and Nubians spreading
Microlithic industry to
Tshitolian sites in Cameroon
and Nachikufan sites in Zimbabwe,
10,000 BC
a) Homo s. a. rwandensis = Tutsids: Rwanda goat-keepers
descending from the Wilton
(6,000 BP) that is the real contriver of the allegedly Bushman
b) Homo
s. a. capsianus = Tuaregian Targids, Kabyles, Shilha and Tuaregs
as Non-Berber residues
of the Capsian Microlithic culture (10,000
c) Homo s. a. canarius = Canarid
(cave-dwelling Guanches mixed with
Berber mummifiers)
Generation 3: Chain series of Deutero-Malayids
(Tertiary Turanids) with the Y- hg R2a and R2b:
Variety 7: Homo s. tritoturanicus deuteromalayus
= Malayid (younger Turanids drifting to Malaysia)
a) Homo s. t. aralicus (Eickstedt 1937, ex
Montandon 1928) = Aralide > Aralo-Turanid
b) Homo s. t. kashmiricus =
Kashmirid, Nepali
peoples of Dangaru Tharu, militant warlike tribes
with purification
rituals and burials in coffins
c) Homo s. t. khmericus (Eickstedt 1937, ex
Sarasin 1905) = Deuteromalayid > Khmerid,
Deutero-Malays and ‘Tertiary-Turanids’, offerings of gold in lakes,
cremation burials in coffins
d) Homo s. t. carolinensis (Fischer 1830,
ex Desmoulins 1826) = Mikroneside > Micronesid
Chamorro and Guam
peoples in the Carolines, grinding querns used as money for local
Carnivorous mega-fauna
hunters and megalithic cattle-herders
African Proto-Sotho-Massaids:
brachycephalous megafauna hunters and cattle-breeders, who are of taller
stature than surrounding Negrids, Europids and Nordids; they are of robust
macroskelic figure and exhibit large heads with high cranial capacity, they
have great cranial breadth and height, their long rhomboid face is known
for higher protruding cheekbones; African varieties display yellowish or
lighter brown skin betraying Asiatic origin, narrow slanting eyes,
epicanthus and fat eye-folds; they live in cupolar dome-shaped
beehive-dwellings with low entrances; their dead fathers are deposited in
pile-burials and mounds composed from stones heaped on the pile by
Ancestors: Homo heidelbergensis (Africa,
700,000 BP), Homo rhodensiensis (Rhodesia,
600,000 BP), Homo heidelbergensis (Boxgrove, Europe 480,000 BP),
Swanscombe man (400 000 BP), Tayacian and Clactonian culture (400,000
BP), Tabunian (Near East), Homo
Subspecies VI: Gigantids (Khoids,
Massaids, Scythids, Baskids, Ugrids): Homines sapientes gigantei
†Series A: Homines s. asiatici subnigri (Hunter 1775) = Khoisanide
> Khoid
Variety 1: H. s. giganteus austroafricanus (medium stature
but taller than in neighbours)
a) Homo s. giganteus massaicus (Eickstedt 1937) = †Süd-Aethiopide
> Massaid (Maasai, Samburu)
b) Homo s. giganteus samburicus = Samburid
(Samburu tribes related to the Maasai warriors)
Variety 2: Khoids (South African cattle-breeders and
beehive-dwellers with leaf-shaped lance points)
a) †H. s. hottentotus (Bory 1825) = Khoisanide
(Eickstedt 1937) > Khoid
a′) H. s. g. austroafricanus (Fischer 1830, ex Desmoulins) = Khoide
> Khoid (Sandawe, Hadza)
b) mesoraces of beehive-dwelling herders and Kafrid lacustrine
fishers (Zulu, Sotho, Swazi, Swahili)
Variety 3: Saharids
(Epi-Aterian beehive-dwellers with cupola-shaped cairn burials)
a) †Homo s. p. atlanticus (Fischer 1829, ex
Bory 1827) = †Saharide (Eickstedt
a′) H. s. g.
saharicus= Saharid (the Imazighen megalith-builders in North Africa)
b) H. s. g. palaesaharicus =
Palaeo-Saharid (Toubous/Teda
in the Tibesti mountains)
c) H. s. g. berbericus = Berberid (tribes of
Imazhigen with dome-shaped burial mounds)
†Variety 4: †Homines sapientes gigantei (africani) nigri > Nilotids
Variety 4: Nilotids: Homo s. giganteus niloticus (Montandon
1937) = Nilotide > Nilotid
a) Homo s. giganteus
austroniloticus = South Nilotid
(Acholi, Alur, Lotuko)
b) Homo s. giganteus niloticus = Dinkaid (swampy herder with
Kafroid conical roundhouses)
c) Homo s. giganteus niloticus = Shillukid (swampy
cattle-breeder with an admixture of Kafrids)
Scando-Ugrids: a mixed mesorace of archaic and diluted
multitudes of Palaeolithic megafauna hunters infiltrated by Europoids;
tall-statured ectomorphs, large-headed brachycephals with tall and broad
skulls, their nose is narrow and leptorrhine but it is remarkable for
convex, hooked and aquiline profile, high nasal bridge, red hair and
reddish tint of light skin; owing to its archaic diluted state it bears
only low residual percentages of its native Y-hg Q
†Series: Homo s. giganteus rubescens/erythrochroicus
= Erythrochroids, Euro-Brachids, Ogro-Scottids
Variety 5: Homo s. giganteus atlanticus = Atlantid (archaic
diluted race of megafauna hunters along the West-European Atlantic chain of
the Bronze Age megalith-builders of Epi-Mousterian origin)
a) Homo s. giganteus baskicus = Baskid (Epi-Aterian
Basques, Vascones, Bastetani, Provençals)
b) Homo s. giganteus armoricanus = Armoricanid (Epi-Solutrean
megalith-builders, Pictones)
c) Homo s. giganteus scoticus = Scottid (a megalithic race of
broch and cairn builders, Scots, Picts)
d) Homo s. giganteus
brünnensis = Brünnid (Coon 1939), chiefly Irish large-headed
Variety 6: Scandids: red-haired large-headed brachycephals in
Scandinavia and North Europe
a) Homo s. g. scandicus =
Scandid (Scandinavian varieties of non-Lappish brachycephals)
b) Homo s. g. borrebyensis = Borreby variety (Coon 1939) > Scandid (Varangians, Vikings, Scanians)
c) Homo s. g. wagrianus et mazowiensis = Wagrid (northern chain of the Globular Ware,
types of Chudic origin; they span from
Mazowsze around Węgorzewo in north Poland to Germany
d) Homo s. eu. dalofaelicus (Peters 1937) = Dalofälische
> Dalofaelid, Faelo-Ugrid
Variety 6: Homo s. groenlandus (Fabricius 1780) = Eskimide
> Eskimid (a hybrid mesorace of
Palaeo-Sibirid seal-hunters
and Palaeo-Turanid fishers with Y-hg R1-M173, descent from the
Komsa culture of marine seal-hunters)
Variety 7: Dinarids: Homo s. giganteus dinaricus =
Dinarid (cultures of tumuli graves ranging from
the Balkans to South Bohemia, Bavaria, South Germany and the
Mosellian river basin in France)
a) Homo s. giganteus dinaricus (Lapouge 1899, ex
Deniker 1897) = Dinaride > Dinarid
b) Homo s. giganteus moesiacus = Moesid (Moesians, Macedonians,
Cycladic isles, 3,000 BC)
c) Homo s. giganteus cyclopicus = Cyclopid (Mycenaeans and Argives,
1,450 BC, Thracian Bessi)
d) Homo s. giganteus anatolicus = Anatolid (Anatolian Mysians
and Nesites invading the Hattians)
Variety 8: Scythids: Homo s. giganteus
scythicus = Scythid (one branch of Palaeo-Siberian tribes
and Ugroid hunters got Iranised and
seemingly Europeanised in the Iranian semiarid grasslands
and emerged in the Middle East as the ethnic
group of Scythoids)
a) Homo s. giganteus scythicus =
Scythids (group of kurgan-builders and mummifiers in Central Asia)
b) Homo s. giganteus armenicus = Armenid (Scythini,
Moxoene, Moschi, Moscici, Mushkoi)
c) Homo s. giganteus abchasicus = Abkhazid, Maeotid
(Maikop kurgan builders)
d) Homo s. giganteus scythicus = Scythids (Scythians, Medes,
Sogdians, Sacae)
e) Homo s. giganteus semiticus, leptorrhine aquiline noses
was observed also in Jews and Semites
although Hebrews belonged to the Microlithic stock; their Scythoid
strain was due to Midians
Variety 9: Ukrainids: descendants of Magna Scythia ranging
from the Ukraine to the Vistula
a) Homo s. giganteus ucrainicus = Ukrainid (Scytho-Ukrainians,
descendants of Magna Scythia)
b) Homo s. giganteus vistulanus =
Vistulan (progeny of Globular Amphorae on the Vistula, 3400 BC)
c) Homo s. giganteus beskidus = Beskid (the Beskid Highlands in Poland, Slovakia, Moravia)
Variety 10: Mongolids: the core of modern Mongolians is classified as
Scythoid descendants of the
Upper Palaeolithic Ordosian culture with Moustero-Levalloisian elements; it is noted
for long
lanceo-late blades; cupolar mammoth-bone huts turned into
dome-shaped chum tents with a
cylindrical base; their phenotype exhibits also Tungusoid and
Uraloid admixtures
a) †Homo sapiens asiaticus (Linné 1758) = Mongolide
> Mongolid
a′) Homo sapiens giganteus ordosianus = Eteo-Mongolid (epi-Ordosian pastoralists)
Variety 11: Sindhids: remains of Scythian
megalith-builders and beehive-dwellers in India
a) Homo s. indogiganteus = Sindhid (Sindh, Toda, Khasi)
b) Homo s. indobrachimorphus (Giuffrida-Ruggeri 1917) = Indobrachide
> Sindhid (Sindh, Toda)
c) Homo s. indogiganteus mundaicus = Mundaid (Munda, Mundari and
Santali in northeast India)
Variety 12: Ugrids: Homo s. giganteus palaemongolicus
(Eickstedt 1937, ex 1934) =
> Ugrid (the
Mansi, Khanty and Yugra survivors of Palaeolithic mammoth-hunters)
a) Homo s. g. ugrianus (Gregory 1921, ex Deniker 1889) = Westsibiride > Ugrid, Sibero-Ugrid
b) Homo s. g. palaesibiricus = Palämongolide >
Mongolid (Saka tribes with deer stones)
c) Homo s. g. koryacus = Koryak type
(Koryak, Nivkh, Ket precursors of American Algonquinds)
d) Homo s. g. coreanus =
Korean type (the Paekche tribes with megalithic burials in pyramid mounds)
Variety 13: Algonquinds:
Homo s. giganteus americanus, American buffalo-hunters living
wigwams and burying their dead in mound graves, they range in
the prairies of the Great Plains
a) Homo s. giganteus americanus algonquinus = Silvidi,
Planidi (Biasutti 1941) > Algonquind
b) Homo s. g. latinoamericanus andinus (Giuffrida-Ruggeri
1912) = Andide > Andid (Inca, Quechua)
c) Homo s. g. l. centralis (Eickstedt 1937, Deniker 1900) = Zentralide
> Mexicid (Mexican Mixtec)
Uraloid hunters
and Comb Ware cultures with burial exposition on scaffolds
Lanceolithic Uralic Estono-Marids: Uralic big-mammal
hunters with the Comb Ware and Lanceolithic industry (retouched stemmed
lanceolate projectile points for lances, spears and arrows derived from
Mousterian and Solutrean leaf-shaped lanceheads, provided with a stem
inserted into the haft; a younger offshoot of Homo s. giganteus related
to Ugrids but diluted in the environment of Altaic tribes and bearing some
typical Mongolic traits such as epicanthus, eye-fold, fat eye-lid, high
protruding cheekbones, high flattish face and shovel-like incisors;
however, its genuine intraspecial traits such as light, yellow and reddish
skin, light brown or red hair, large-headed skull and tall stature were
closer to Ugrids; pertinence to chromosomal Y-haplogroup N; their
architecture differed from the round cupolar beehive tents by pitching up
marquee tents with several vertices in corners; in contrast to the
dome-shaped circular hillforts of Ugrids, they grew into quadrangular
castles with towers and rich crenellation in corners; their dead
forefathers were buried by exposition on scaffolds or by chariot burials
where the interred skeleton was accompanied by the dead man’s chariot and horses;
astrotheist religion, astral annunciation of baby-kings, sky burials by
exposition in craters of volcanoes, lycanthropy, wolfine totemism, bovine
blood-letting, their proposed designation should be Estono-Marids derived
from the phratries of Estonians, Cheremis/Sarmis, Meru, Mari and Mordvin
Subspecies VII: Homines sapientes estomomarici (leiotrichi,
Eickstedt 1937, ex Bory 1825)
Variety 1: Uralids: moose-hunters in the subarctic north and
horse-herders in south Merya region
a) Homo s. e. uralicus (Fischer 1830, ex Desmoulins 1826) = †Fennonordide
> Uralid, Uralo-Marid
b) Homo s. e. mordvinicus (Fischer 1830, ex Desmoulins 1826)
= Uralid (the Mordvin, Merya,
Murom and Meru core
of Uralic Estono-Marids engaged in horse-herding
c) Homo s. estonomaricus finnus
(Fischer 1830, ex Desmoulins 1826) = †Fennonordide, Aisto-Nordid > Finno-Marid: Estonians and
other northern varieties of Uralids; the Nordic admixture is
due to the Gothish Corded Ware and the Finnish
designation to Lapps; the red-haired and large-
faced brachycephals in Finnland (Tavastids),
Merya and Komi are actually Ugrids. Only Savonids
from Savonia province and
partly also the Inari Lapps contain a genuine Finno-Marid element
Variety 2: Sibirids, Ostyakids: Homo s. estonomaricus asiaticus = Sibirid, a younger branch of
Mongolids, who spread the Chulmun/Jeulmun Comb Ware of Uralic type
in the 6th century BC;
propagated Uraloid languages with collective t-plurals to Mongolia, Korea, Japan
and Tibet
a) Homo s. e. palaesibiricus = Eastern
Uralids (Mongolian Mergids, Ostyaks, Koreans
and Japanese
tribes, who descend from the Chulmun/Jeulmun Comb Ware diffusion in the 6th
b) Homo s. e. palaeasiaticus (Gregory 1921)
= Ostsibiride > Sibirid (Ostyaks, Uelens)
c) †Homo sapiens asiaticus (Linné 1758) =
Mongolide (Eicksted 1934) > Mongolid
c′) Homo s. estonomaricus asiaticus = Mongolide (Eicksted
1934) > Mongolid
d) the Muslim Moro tribes in the Philippines
and the Ariki upper-caste aristocracy in Polynesia
Variety 3: Sarmatids,
Sarmatian mutations of Uralids (Sarmatians were Uralic tribes that were
acculturated and absorbed
by the Iranian neighbourhood in the steppes north of western
Kazakhstan, they were
Uralic moose-hunters, who transformed into Sarmatian horse-herders),
about 4000 BC they
conquered Mesopotamia as Sumerians and Shubartu
a) Homo s. estonomaricus sarmaticus = Sarmatid
(Sintashta-Petrovka culture, 2100 BC)
b) †Homo s. eur. pamiriensis
(Giuffrida-Ruggeri 1912) = †Pamiride (a
subtype of Fergana Valley
residents classified as
Turanids owing to the Turcoid environment
b′) Homo s.
estonomaricus pamiriensis > Ishkashmid (Fergana Valley people
the Sarmatoid tribes of
Shughni, Rushani and Ishkashmi clans
c) Homo s. estonomaricus sumericus = Sumerid (Sumer, Shumer,
Shubartu, Mesopotamian
from Sintashta Sarmatia known as donkey-breeders speaking an
agglutinative tongue, 4000 BC)
d) Homo s. estonomaricus asiaticus (Linné 1758) =
Asiatid (Asii or Asoi
in Central Asia and Oxiana
on the Oxus river, Yuezhi
known as arid-steppe pastoralists attacking China from about 176
e) Homo s. e. assyricus = Assyrid (assimilated Sumerians
noted for hooked and convex noses)
f) Homo s. estonomaricus syriacus (Kraitschek 1902, ex
Chamberlain 1899) = Armenide > Armenid:
modern Syrian progeny of
Assyrids with higher percentages of hook-nosed Scythoids
g) Homo s. estonomaricus semiticus, the pure Semitic blood
circulates only in a small subgroup of
Jews who are genuine heirs
of Samaran, Samaritan or Syrian heritage and share astrotheistic
beliefs in baby-kings
begotten by the pre-Mahometan deities of Mæjram and Esus
h) Homo s. estonomaricus mauritanicus = Maurid (the Hyksos and Amorite
wild horseback-raiders,
who separated about 2100 BC
from the Ossetic ancestors Ossii in the Caucasus, around 1800
they looted the Lower Egypt and then they
invaded the Mauritanian regions of northwest Africa)
i) Homo s. estonomaricus amharicus = Amharid, Amharian cattle breeders in
Ethiopia, who spread the Pastoralist
Neolithic culture (4500 BC) with painted ostrich egg in graves
j) Homo s. estonomaricus axumiticus et meroiticus, the elites of Amharids
reigning in the ancient
realms of Axum, Meroe and Sheba from 800 BC to
600 BC
Variety 4: Norids: Around 750 BC the Sarmatian Yazygi
and Roxolani invaded Puszta grasslands and became known as Norici,
Slavinised Marharii and Boihemi and Germanised Marcomanni
a) Homo s. estonomaricus noricus = Norid (Lebzelter 1929, Coon
1939), the pastoralist culture of
the Sarmatian Jász people
in the Danube river basin)
b) Homo s. estonomaricus hallstatticus = Hallstatt Nordid
(Hallstatt culture, c. 750 BC)
c) Homo s. estonomaricus romanus = Marsid (around c. 740 BC
the Hallstattians tribes of Marsi,
Volsci, Osci
and Boii settled down in north and central Italy and seized
rule in ancient Rome; their
fraternal hosts drove to France and Spain as Celtised Volcae
Variety 5: Tibetid: the southern promontories of Sarmatids
that share their archaic tendencies such
as astrotheism, astral
annunciation of baby-kings, sky burials
with exposition of the dead in the
craters of volcanoes,
lycanthropy, wolfine totemism, bovine blood-letting and blood-leeching,
Tibetan, Arabic and Bedouin
marquee tents attest common archaic origins as early as 4000 BC,
they appear also in America and the
Argentinian toldo tents of Tehuelche Indians; Tibetan epic on
conquests of Gesar the hero
is of much later origin
a) †Homo arabicus (Bory de St. Vincent, 1825) = Orientalide >
a′) Arabid, Homo s. estonomaricus arabicus,
Arabic and Bedouin arid-desert nomadic camel-
breeders with four-pitch
marquee tents, who came from the Sumerian colonisation, 4000 BC?)
and wore white ankle-length
garment thawb or thobe; breeding the
one-hunch dromedary emerged
in south Arabia about 3000 BC
and the two-hunch camel in Bactria around 2500 BC
> Arabid
b) Homo s. estonomaricus tibetus = Tibetid (nomadic
yak-breeders with four-pitch marquee tents)
Pyrolithic Lappids
Gravettian Pyrolithic Lappids: the race of
short-statured people with short legs and trunk but longer arms, they
exhibit high manual dexterity as well as mental adroitness; chief traits
are low-skulled brachycephalous cranium, greater interorbital distance and
the nose with concave profile and an upturned tip; the face is gracile and
gives a paedomorphous infantile look; the hair is of ulotrichous peppercorn
type, it is usually curly or frizzly; the endomorphous figure displays
tendencies to matronism, occasional
steatopygia and lordosis in women and higher levels of subcutaneous fat in
men; women have long cylindrical breasts, fat thighs and Venus-like
appearance; their ABO blood group is A and their Y-haplogroups are O and A;
cultural features include cremation rituals and
customs to deposit the ashes of dead ancestors in sacks on tent-poles;
dwellings are built as lean-to tents, semi-subterranean huts and sauna-like
sweat houses; omnivorous subsistence is based on hunting with blowing-pipes
and blowguns that shoot birds by poisoned arrows; subsidiary nutrition is
provided by mushrooming, toadstools are employed for poisoning alchemy;
pyrolithic customs use hot stones in cooking and heating in sweat houses;
languages are of isolating type with monosyllabic words and reduplicative
morphology, the consonant repertory prefers palatal stops, affricates and
clicks, velars undergo satemisation, vowels distinguish nasal vowels and
carry out fronting after palatals; prosody reckons with phonologically
relevant tonality and melodic versification; favourite genres are trickster
tales, comic interludes, humoresque stories and picaresque novels
Subspecies VIII: Homo sapiens
lappicus/lapponicus = Lappid (Sinid, Alpinid, Pygmid, Negritid)
Ancestors: Homo
habilis, Homo sapiens floresiensis
Variety 1: Sinids, Sino-Lappids = Homines sapientes sinici (Y-DNA
haplogroups O3, O3d, O3e)
Subvariety 1: Homo s. sinicus meridianus
(Liu 1937) = Südsinide, South Sinid
(Biasutti 1967)
a) Homo s. s. meridianus = Chukiangid, a subgroup of South Sinids settled along
the Chu Khang river
b) Homo s. s. cantonensis = Kantonide (Eickstedt
1938), Kwangtungid (Lundman 1967) > Cantonid
c) Homo s. s. annamiticus = Annamitid (the
short-sized tribal population in Central Vietnam)
Subvariety 2:
the northernmost varieties of Lapponoid Sinids with the Y-DNA
haplogroup O3
a) Homo s. s. curilanus (Fischer 1830, ex
Desmoulins 1826) = Ainuide (Eickstedt, 1937),
(Cheboksarov, 1951)
> Ainuid
b) Homo s. s. athabascanus = Athabaskid
(Athapaskan tribes in British
Columbia, after 200 AD)
Variety 2:
Indids, Andronovan colonisation of cremation burials from Burma to
India, Kazakhstan and South Russia that took place in several stages from
1800 BC to 1500 BC
a) Indo-Alpinids (Punjabi, Kashmiri, Cemetery H
Culture, 1800 BC, cremations with widows sacri-
ficed on funeral pyres, a chain of Buddhist
cremation burials from Burma to
Punjab and Pakistan)
b) Afghano-Alpinids (the Waigali and Kalasha
people in the Nuristani province
of Afghanistan)
c) Homo s. s. andronovanensis = Andronovan:
populations of the Andronovo urnfielders (1500 BC)
in Kazakhstan
and South Russia
Variety 3: Colchids, the Middle
East leftovers of Lapponoid Sinids after
their migrations to Africa
a) Homo s. s. sumericus: Sumerian
lower-class minority of coffee-bean people with Mongolic
slanting eyes; they spoke the female language Eme-sal with
Sinoid reduplicative morphology
b) Homo s. s. chaldeicus
= Chaldeid:
the hypothetical group of Lappids in Babylon
and the Near East
c) Homo s. s. trialeticus et colchicus =
Colchid (tribes of
cremating incinerators from Colchis
culture in Georgia, 3000 BC, ancestors of the Greek Hellenes, Ionians and
d) Homo s. s. anatolicus et graecus =
Hellenids, Ionids (from *Alviones), Aeolids (from *Alvioles)
of cremating incinerators with cremation burials, hut-urns and face-urns,
1700 BC, they
developed tonal accents and melodic versification
of Annamite origin)
Variety 4: Negritids,
Homo s. negrito (Kleinschmidt 1922) = Negritid (Malay race, Y-hg
a) Homo s. n.
semang (Schebesta 1937) =
Semangid (a short race with black skin and ulotrichous
peppercorn hair, the Semang of Malaysia, the Maniq-Sakai people of Thailand)
b) Homo s. n. senoicus (Giuffrida-Ruggeri 1912) = Senoid (short
brachycephals but partly Weddids)
c) Homo s. negrito
indicus (Irula, Kodar, Paniyan, Kurumba, Pulayan,
Kadar, Chenchu in India)
d) Homo s. n. mineopaeus (Pycraft 1925) = Andamanid (Sentinelese, Onges
and Andamanese
peoples in the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands)
e) Homo s. n.
philippinensis (Giuffrida-Ruggeri 1912) = Aetid (Aeta people, Ati, Agta tribes in the
Philippines, Batak in Palavan, the northern branch of Negrito with the Y
haplogroup O3-M122)
f) Homo s. v. toala (Giuffrida-Ruggeri
1912, ex Sarasin 1905) = Toalid (Sulawesi, Indonesia)
g) Homo s. n. burmensis = Taronid (Tarons 129.5 cm
tall in Burma,
the Derung in Yunnan, China)
Variety 5: Negrillos (Pygmies,
Afro-Lappids, Galla Ethiopids), they came from Southeast Asia during the
Great Negrito colonisation that was evidenced by cremations at Lake Mungo
in Australia (62,000 BC); about 33,000 BC they landed on European coasts as
the Gravettian Furfooz race
Homines sapientes pygmaei (Giuffrida-Ruggeri 1912) = Pigmidi (Biasutti, 1967) >
a) Homo sapiens pygmaeus = Negrillo (Cole, 1965) or Négrille (Vallois,
1968), Pigmidi
(Biasutti, 1967): forest tribes with stature not surpassing 140 cm, peppercorn hair, broad noses
b) Homo s. p.
akkalis (Haeckel 1898,
Lundman, 1967, 1988, Knussmann, 1996) = Bambutid: a
Negrillos represented by the Akka, Ba Mbute, Twa Cva, Ba Twa, Ba Mbute, people with brown-
black peppercorn hair,
yellowish brown skin and great interorbital distance
c) Homo sapiens
pygmaeus congicus = Pigmidi (Biasutti,
1967) > Pygmid
d) Homo s. p. camerunensis
= Twid (Gusinde 1950) > Mbengid
(western Pygmids including the
tribes of
Mbenga, Bongo, Gyele and Kola in Cameroon
and Gabon)
e) Homo s. p. rwandensis = Twid (Gusinde
1950): short swamp Pygmoid people Twa or Batwa
Variety 6: Semi-Pygmids:
the Chadic, Galla and Ewe-Igbo tribes in Central and North Africa
Homo sapiens semipygmaeus = Pigmidi (Biasutti, 1967) > Semi-Pygmid, Afro-Alpinid
a) Homo sapiens
s. mauritiensis = Mauro-Alpinid
(chain of Lappids from Egypt to Morocco)
b) Homo sapiens
s. sudanicus = Semi-Pygmids
(Hausa, Galla, masculine o-stems, feminine o-stems)
c) Homo sapiens
semipygmaeus tchadensis = Chadids (Bolewa, Vandala)
d) Homo sapiens
semipygmaeus Ewe-Igbo = Igboid (tonal languages with
reduplicative grammar)
Variety 7: Sanids,
Kalaharids, Bushmen in southwest Africa
Homines sapientes pygmaei calaharici =
Sanids, Kalaharids, affiliated with the Kongo Pygmids
a) †H. s. h. huzuana (Fischer 1830, ex
Desmoulins) = Sanid, Sanids crossbred with Mongolic Khoids
a′) H. s. h. pygmaeus sanicus = Sanid, omnivorous
hunters, not to be mistaken with Strandlopers
b) H. s. pygmaeus calaharicus = Kalaharid,
Sanids crossbred with Mongolic Khoids
Table 22. The subdivisions of principal racial groups
This proposal of systematic taxonomy does
not focus on individual racial varieties as autonomous independent units that
originated in situ recently anew as a result of adaptation to the
local natural milieu and climatic conditions. It emphasises the decisive
role of genetic inheritance and intermingling that incites the rise of new
cultivars. Most living races survive as assimilated remains of Palaeolithic
genotypes and represent their derived and depleted residues. The ancient
genotypes displayed the best expression of primordial genetic tendencies,
while their modern survivals only linger and languish. As a consequence, they
display less extreme grades of characteristic markers. Most surviving races
form transitional and hybrid mesoraces with diminished quantities of
properties common to their Palaeolithic progenitors. This is why their
detailed description gets astray in lots of secondary peculiarities acquired
by mixing with heterogeneous neighbours. The most important conclusion is
that the primary task of anthropology does not consist in describing the
surviving hybrid remnants but in reconstructing the original rudimentary
Palaeolithic forms and genetic prototypes.
The above-given account of systematic
taxonomy counts with eight primary subspecies and hundreds of their racial
varieties or ‘ethno-nests’ that arose as stopovers on their migratory
colonisations. Their travels resemble continuous chains lined with
settlements bearing ethnonymic place names designating a couple, quartet or
dozen of tribal phratries. At first glance, toponomastics appears as a sort
linguistic archaeology, whose digs lack reliable dating. Yet the composition
of repeated names of phratries suggests relative chronology that makes it
possible to compare different migratory routes and determine their mutual
succession or temporal sequences. So it becomes clear that the Negrito have a
poorer and more archaic set of phratries than Sinids, the tribal structure of
Sinids preceded that of the African Negrillos and the Gravettian plantation
was derived from the Galla colony in Abyssinia. The most urgent task is to
reconstruct ethnic diasporas that beam out of the primordial cradleland and
jut out radially in principal mainstreams. Their networks join regional races
and ethnic groups into complex tree graphs that show coincidences between
lineages of place names, archaeological colonisations, linguistic, ethnic and
racial families as well as genealogies of genetic haplogroups. Their
distribution and isolines hardly ever agree in details but in general they
confirm structural congruity and ethnic consanguinity.
Extract from
Pavel Bělíček:
The Synthetic Classification of Human Phenotypes and Varieties, Prague:
Urania 2019, pp. 58-68