Systematic methodology

Systematic ethnology

 Systematic anthropology

Systematic linguistics

Population geogenetics

Systematic poetics

 Systematic folkloristics                    




Prehistoric tribes

 Prehistoric races

Prehistoric languages

Prehistoric archaeology

   Prehistoric religions

Prehistoric folklore











*     Racial taxonomy

*     Ethnic taxonomy

*     Europids

*     Nordids

*     Indids

*     Littoralids

*     Caucasoids

*     Elamitoids

*     Negrids

*     Melanids

*     Tungids

*     Pelasgids

*     Cimbroids

*     Turanids 

*     Ugro-Scythids

*     Uralo-Sarmatids

*     Lappids

*     Sinids




*     Italy       Schweiz

*      Britain         Celts

*      Scandinavia  

*     Germany

*     Balts        Slavs

*     Greece

*       Thrace     Dacia

*       Anatolia



The Anthropology of Nordids and Europids

Clickable terms are red on the yellow background








Výsledek obrázku pro Foster 1899 The races of Europe

Map  1.  J. Deniker’s map of nordique , sub-nordique and littorale race


Map 2. The worldwide distribution of cephalic indices (after Biasutti)








































Nordids and Europids: The Family-Tree of Agrarian tribes


The language identity of Indo-European peasants can be detected according to the simple i-a-u vocalism, rich vocalic quantity and a series of two-mora or three-mora falling diphthongs ai → ē, au → ō, which was suitable for hymns in quantitative prosody. It operated in Old Gothic and Ancient Greek but also in Old Indian and Classic Arabic as it was the common heritage of the Neolithic Europoid and Caucasoid peasantry. Later assaults of Asiatic herdsmen subjected peasantry to serfdom and suppressed their quantitative hymnology by the predominance of rhymed or alliterative syllabo-tonic epic.

Table 28. The family-tree of axe-tool cultures

Close kinship between European, Anatolian, Mesopotamian and Caucasian agriculturalists is proved also by their genetic family-trees that stem from the archaic Y DNA haplogroup IJ. Its haplotype is ancestor to the three ethnic and cultural complexes: the Caucasoid populations with the type J-P209, the Danubian farmers with the Linear Ware pottery (Linearbandkeramic) and the genetic Y DNA haplotype I2-M438 and the Scandinavian Corded Ware with the haplogroup I1-M253. Their complexes can be recognised also according to the morphology of housing types. Their earliest archetype indicates a large rectangular collective longhouse that is compatible with the Amazonian peasants’ maloca and dwellings of Melanesian agriculturalists (Y DNA haplogroup M-P256). Comparison to Melanesian peoples is of great import as the IJ and IJK-L15 haplogroups are genetically interrelated with the Melanesian haplotype M-L15. In the Neolithic the rectangular longhouses fell into three special subtypes. The Anatolian and Mesopotamian Caucasoids inhabited multi-cellular labyrinths in tell-mound sites and rectangular flat-roofed houses made from rammed clay pisé. The Danubian Linear Ware people lived in rectangular longhouses with monopitched roofs in fertile riverside valleys, while the Scandinavian Nordics adhered to archaic three-aisled terps with A-frame roofs on seaside dunes.

Table 28 sums up contemporary doctrines of genetic Y DNA haplogroup relations of human axe-tool cultures. It includes also corresponding palaeo-anthropological varieties of man but it ballots for earlier dating. It attempts to incorporate its clades into the more reliable framework of radiocarbon periodisation acknowledged as valid in modern archaeology. It takes over Wolpoff and Caspari’s model2 of ‘multiregional evolution’ proposed as a readaptation of Franz Weidenreich’s Polycentric Theory (Table 29). It argues that it is untimely to bury descendants of Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis as extinct races because their pebble-stone cobbled choppers and leaf-shaped lance-heads enjoyed abundant continuance till the Neolithic horizon.

Table 29. Franz Weidenreich’s Polycentric Theory



Goths/Gothones/Jutes (kings) – Frisians/Prussians/Persians (priests) – Angles/Langiones/Langobards – Saxons/Senones


open-air clearings in riverside valleys and lowlands with fertile alluvial soil suitable for rich plant vegetation


vegetarian herbivorous and granivorous dispositions, plant-gathering economy, shifting and fallow agriculture



rectangular longhouses for large collective families of as many as 200 clansmen, waterside settlements on dunes and tell mounds, Zwei-klassengesellschaft with two opposite longhouses facing one another and living in matrilocal endogamy, Frisian terp and wurt


ancestral cults, filial piety, bull cults, bullfighting, boucrania with bull skulls hanging on walls as idols of ritual cults, naturistic hylozoistic polytheism worshipping primordial elements of air, earth, water and fire impersonated by the divine deities of heavens, earth, rain and the sun, priests employed as rain-makers


Caucasoid inhumation under kitchen floors or under head-benches, kids buried in pithoi jars from clay, row-grave fields (Reihengräber) 


ancestral cults adore forefathers as gods, keep them in nearest proximity and try to identify with their remains by eating their dead corpse and drinking their blood


tall slim stature with dolichocephalous skulls, leptorrhinia with narrow noses and low nasal indices, light-haired type, light or reddish skin, grey or light brown eye colour


Acheulean hand-axes, macrolithic and gigantolithic axes, Bootäxte,


Neolithic models signalled long skirts, long-sleeved shirts


ABO group O, Rh+, Y-DNA haplogroup I, J, mtDNA haplogroup H


voiced-to-surd consonant correlation, rich nominal morphology, animate b-plurals and s-plurals, SVO word-order, subordinate that-clauses instead of participles and gerunds

Table 30. The cultural paradigm of Eurasian agrarian axe-tool tribes












































    The Palaeolithic plant-gatherers and preagriculturalists launched several worldwide colonisations in course of time lasting more than one million years. Their axe-tool making cultures retained dominance in the southern hemisphere and survived in the progeny of dark-skinned equatorial races with vegetal subsistence. They got accustomed to tropical climate and developed vegetal economy that finally resulted in the invention of horticulture and agriculture. A few hosts headed also for the northern boreal zone and mixed with Asiatic light-skinned carnivorous hunters. Their racial interbreeding distorted their original language structure and gave it a hybrid stamp. The long-term exposure to Altaic flake-tool makers gave rise to mixed Caucasoid and Europoid ethnic varieties.     

    Anthropologists treat them as extinct species of one genus Homo although archaeology confirms cultural continuity. It evokes suspicion that modern aboriginal populations still conceal perceptible remnants of prehistoric Oldowans, Acheuleans, Mousterians, Levalloisian and Gravettians. In civilised centres they underwent rapid technical progress and diluted their cultural identity but in isolated refuges they preserved original riches. Table 30 shows that despite remote genetic distances Europoid and Caucasoid peoples share cultural patterns revealing affiliation compatible with equatorial races.

    Map 3 let us guess the main directions of Oldowan migrations. They cannot be judged as an extinct race as their pebble-stone chopping tools struck roots in colonised territories and displayed continual occurrence up to late Neolithic times. Their artefacts were uninterruptedly manufactured by people of the dark-skinned Australoid and Melanesoid extraction counted as the tropical equatorial race. The most remarkable residues are dug up in Hoabinhian sumatraliths ranging from China to Vietnam and Malay. The Acheulean hand-axes belonged to a later generation of preagriculturalist plant-gatherers that did not get much farther to the east than India and Burma. They may correspond to Caucasoid populations spreading from Africa and Mesopotamia about 500,000 BC. Maps 10 and 11 demonstrate that their travels avoided Austronesia but continued their wanderings northward to the Bering Strait. The architecture, techno-complex assemblages and language structures of American Hopi and Zuñi Indians show remote but infallible affinity to South Asiatic peasants’ peoples with b-plurals.

Classical palaeoanthropology was exuberant in coining new artificial labels such as Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus as if human ancestral races represented different genera and species inapt of mutual interbreeding. It is much more recommendable to term the progeny of Homo erectus and H. habilis as interbreedable human stocks similar to strains of domestic dogs and admit a long-term development of their family-trees. All human populations and colonisations exhibited extensive longevity. The false impression that human races, tribes and ethnic groups emerged, disappeared and perished in short intervals is due to the rapid displacements of Germanic tribal military retinues during the grosse Völkerwanderung. Dogmatic prehistory believed in fast births, transfers and extinctions of ancient nationalities and did not admit that they concerned only princelings’ warrior suites and young generations. On the other hand, the elders kept their settlements for millennia without dramatic changes.


Gothic moiety

Saxon phratry

Frisian moiety

Anglic phratry
















Table 31. The tripartition of Europoid peasant tribes

An important source of complementary information appears in tribal ethnonyms revealing the internal hierarchy of moieties and phratries. Table 31 suggests that the three major groups of the alleged ‘Germanic tribes’ actually referred to independent offshoots of one and the same Mesolithic tribe remarkable for macrolithic industry of Epi-Micoquian hand-axes. One fallacy was that its descendants had nothing to do with the Germanic, Teutonic and Cimbrian tribes with microlithic flake-tool industry of Maglemosian provenience. Another false dogma believed that Indo-Europeans had been a united people encompassing hundreds of heterogeneous archaeological cultures and tens of incompatible races. The sole truth is that the three descendants of the Y DNA haplogroup I-M170 constituted the dominant core of Neolithic European tribal populations. They united the most populous substratum of tall robust and dolichocephalous Nordics integrated into the continental exchange of labour as European peasantry. This core had nothing to do with the ruling superstratum of Sarmatoids (Aryans, Normans, Italic Marsi, Hallstatt raiders and Central European Marharii) that controlled ancient Eurasia and medieval Europe as oppidan and capitular nobility. Neither had it anything in common with the adstrate of Epi-Gravettian short-sized Celtic, Slavonic and Albanian people, who formed the core of urban craftsman townsfolk.

    The distribution maps of genetic haplogroups testify long-range travels of various prehistoric tribes. The Langobardian settlers of the Danubian Linear Ware spread their row burials (Reihengräber) as far as the Russian Ananino culture (800 BC). Its leftover is seen in the province of Perm called Barmia in medieval chronicles. Faraway expeditions of Nordic Gotho-Frisians sound incredible, too. The traditional dating of the Corded Pottery amounts to 2900 BC and its distribution is believed to have reached areas of central Russia. The toponymic analysis of ethnonyms on maps, however, extends their occurrence as far as the Jomonian culture (16,000 BP) in Korea and Japan, the Vindhyas Highlands in north India1 (10,000 BC) and the Hoabinhian complex (10,000 BC) in Vietnam.

    These Late Mesolithic cultures signalled the arrival of a sophisticated population of horticulturalists with axe-tool macrolithic industry, Corded Ware pottery, kitchen midden waste, shellfish beachcombing and strandloping subsistence. Their original homeland is sought in sites of the Campignian (10,000 BC) and the Ertebølle assemblage characteristic of Scandinavian Nordics. Archaeologists do not dare to link these remote colonists with Indo-Europeans but it is highly probable that it was them who imported the heritage of Indo-European tongues to northern India. The unjust claims of the Aryan horseback-riding herdsmen must be excluded owing to the Sarmatian and Mongolian customs of drinking ale (sacred soma), burials on scaffolding, kidnapping brides and paying the bride price.

Another contribution of corded-ware cultures consisted in qualitative prosody appearing in the Vedic and Old Indian quantitative poetry. Its incidence was conditioned by rich vocal quantity with two-mora or three-mora vowels and diphthongs and the cardinal triangle a-i-o with ai → ē, au → ō sound shifts. Such types of vocalic tendencies made residual appearance in Korean and Japanese phonology alongside with its predominantly Palaeo-Mongolian character. Moreover, there exist astonishing remains of quantitative versification and prosody in their territory. Their typological links may be arranged into the following genetic chains and migratory routes:

Micoquians (130,000 BP) Campignian shell-dump kökkenmöddinger Larne (Ireland) + Oban (Scotland) Ertebølle culture (Denmark, 5300 BC) Bootaxtkultur Corded Ware (2900 BCE) Gotho-Frisians (Jutland).

Micoquians (130,000 BP) Neolithic Linear Ware Danubian Langobards.

Gotho-Frisians Yotwingo-Prussians Udmurt-Permians Ananimo cuture (Reihengräber).

Gotho-Frisians Getes (Dacia, 1000 BC) Masagetes Khotanese Tokharians Vindhyas Corded Ware Kattriyo-Brahmans.

Campignian shell-eaters Mugem culture Bell Beaker culture Franks + Swabians.


Extract from Pavel Bělíček: The Synthetic Classification of Human Phenotypes and Varieties. The Atlas of Systematic Anthopology I, Prague 2018, ISBN 978-80-86580-51-7, pp. 90-99.











































2  R. Caspari - M. Wolpoff: Weidenreich, Coon and multiregional evolution. Human evolution 11, 3-4, 1996, 261-8.

1 D. Mandal: Neolit Vindhya. In: Drevniye kul’tury Sredney Azii i Indii. Leningrad 1984, 28-38, p. 36; Radiocarbon Dates and Indian Archaeology. Allahabad 1972.