Systematic methodology

Systematic ethnology

 Systematic anthropology

Systematic linguistics

Population geogenetics

Systematic poetics

 Systematic folkloristics




Prehistoric tribes

 Prehistoric races

Prehistoric languages

Prehistoric archaeology

  Prehistoric religions

Prehistoric folklore











·         Language taxonomy

·         Ethnic taxonomy

·         Indo-European

·         Proto-Celtic

·         Proto-Italic

·         Proto-Romance

·         Proto-Iberic

·         Proto-Gallic

·         Proto-Germanic

·         Proto-Slavonic

·         Proto-Baltic

·         Proto-Uralic

·         Proto-Iranic

·         Proto-Indic 

·         Proto-Berber

·         Proto-Egyptic

·         Caucasian

·         Proto-Greek



·         Spain    France

·         Italy     Schweiz

·         Britain    Celts

·         Scandinavia

·         Germany

·         Balts   Slavs

·         Greece

·         Thrace     Dacia

·         Anatolia



The Proto-Languages of Families Reinterpreted as Heterogenous National Administrative Domains

 Clickable terms are red on the yellow background



Table 1. National Dialects Linked into Ancient Dialectal Continua



§        German

§        Dutch dialects

§        Frisian dialects

§        Albanian dialects

§        Moldavian dialects

§        Macedonian dialects


§        Danish dialects

§        Norwegian dialects

§        Swedish dialects

§        Icelandic dialects

§        Faroese dialects


§        Italian dialects

§        French dialects

§        Spanish dialects

§        Portuguese dialects

§        Romanian dialects

§        Sardinian dialects


§        Scottish dialects

§        Irish dialects

§        Welsh dialects

§        Cornish dialects

§        Breton dialects


§        Czech dialects

§        Slovak dialects

§        Polish dialects

§        Russian dialects

§        Ukrainian dialects

§        Belarusian dialects

§        Sorbian dialects


§        Slovene dialects

§        Croatian dialects

§        Serbian dialects

§        Albanian dialects

§        Bulgarian dialects

§        Moldavian dialects

§        Macedonian dialects


§        The Evolution of Ancient Racial, Ethnic and Social Castes

§        The Growth of Ethnic castes in Economic Formations 

§        Genotypes, Races, Tribes, Castes and Classes in Historical Formations

§        The Paragenetic Evolution of Races, Tribes, Castes and Classes

§        Human Ethnogenesis

§        The Systematic Typology of Palaeolithic Tribes



§        Fields of Typological Ethnology

§        Lithic, Ceramic, Funerary and Architectonic Taxonomy

§        The Ecologic Subsistence of Ancient Urstämme and Urrassen (Nutritiology)

§        Types of Ancient Tribal Clothing (Vestology)

§        Types of Tribal Huts and Dwellings (Architectonics)


§        Proto-Celtic (Common Celtic)

§         Proto-Germanic (Common Germanic)

§        Proto-Baltic (Common Baltic)

§        Proto-Slavic (Common Slavic)

§        Proto-Italic (Common Celtic)

§        Proto-Greek (Common Greek)


§        Celtic  Language Family

§        Germanic Language Family

§        Baltic Language Family

§        Slavonic Language Family

§        Italic Language Family

§        Greek Language Family

Prolegomena to Substratic Infradialectology

§        Dialectology is etymologically associated with Ancient Greek διαλεκτική, dialektikē, defined as an art of debate and argument. Dialectics implies antagonism between two concurrent rivals and their final synthesis by solving contradictions. It recommends an analytic treatment of phenomena by decomposing superficial entireties into concurrent and contradictory elements.

§        Linguistic reflections are misguided by dogmatic delusions caused by „the mixed character of all languages“ (Baudouin de Courtenay 1901). Heterogeneous mixtures call for analytic approaches and decomposition into pure elements.

§        Most languages are not compact, compatible and consistent structures as they display heterogeneous nature. They exhibited compact homogeneity only at the earliest beginnings in Palaeolithic times.

§        Traditional opinions looked at national mother tongues as mothers of dialects and considered dialects as their daughters.

§        So classical linguistics found its basic elementary units in national languages and neglected dialects regarded as their late outgrowths.

§        As a consequence, linguistics lacks pure essential categories and has to be reconstituted on the base of dialectology that treats languages in an analytic manner.

§        Most national mother tongues originated by convergent assimilation of circumjacent dialects, so they are posterior to oral dialects. This implies that oral dialects are prior to the written national standard.

§        Dialectology analyses living and extinct dialects into contradictory element competing  for supremacy and therefore it is prior to linguistics that constitutes its subordinate subdiscipline.

§        Such preliminary definitions interpret language structures as clusters of chaotic cumulative complexes ordered in a steady hierarchy of dialects. Dialects are arranged as pyramids composed from ethnolects, sociolects, supralects, infradialects, chronolects, geolects, endolects and exolects.

§        Endolects are internal subdialects, and exolects are external subdialects.

§        Ethnolects are dialects anchored inseparably in ethnic tribes, sociolects are dialects anchored inseparably in social communities.

§        Linguistic materialism proclaims that languages cannot be regarded as chimeras suspended in the vacuum and detached from living speakers; as such they have to be anchored firmly in the underlying human ethnic communities.

§        Dominant superstrate dialects are called supralects, languages of subordinated   minorities are classified as infralects. 

§        Supralects are dominant major dialects that have absorbed concurrent minorities and their dialects as subdialects.

§         Infralects are subjugated minor dialects that were absorbed by the dominant supradialects.

§         Infralects are residual structures dying out in a depleted premortal state but they shine transparently through the written standard.

§        Languages, language families and macrolanguages are fallacious unities, they have to be treated as hierarchised domains, where one dialect is dominant,

      its main rival is a subdominant and further subdialects are adstrate components.

Prolegomena to Linguistic Natiology

§        Language unities are fallacies concealing multiethnic domains created by convergent development of one administrative, military, demographic or quantitative majority.

§        National mother tongues pretend to be ancestors of all subordinated dialects although they are not cognate relatives. They were reinforced by the ruling dynasty of the kingdom that promoted its regional tribal dialect to a written standard and degraded autochthonous native elites as subdominants.

§        The written standard is determined by a tribal dialect promoted to supremacy by the ruling administrative, military, proprietorial or financial caste.  

§        Linguistic predominance is determined by the sociolect of the ruling royal dynasty, by the geolect of the principal regional tribal dialect, by the ethnolect of the most populous ethnic tribe, by the provincial regiolect promoted to the chief supralect of the capital city, or by the exolect of foreign raiders and conquerors.

§        In Ancient Egypt and China the official written standard changed according to different geolects as a new dynasty seized the throne and moved the capital to their native-born town.

§        Ruling dynasties do not govern for ever and so their domination delimits different temporal chronolects in the diarchronic history of the national standard.

§        Dialects win and withdraw with changes of the social position of their speakers. So ancient slavery and medieval serfdom suppressed the sociolect of commoners and thrust forward the foreign exolect of foreign raiders. When the rule of their kings was pulled down, republicanism rehabilitated popular speech at the expense of upper classes.

§        National languages are not careful cognate mothers of regional languages in the kingdom but their merciless oppressors.

§        Dialects are not cognate daughters of their national mother tongues, but its oppressed victims absorbed by the official written standard as ethnic minorities.

§        Dialects are not new outgrowths of national mother tongues but archaic residual structures of extinct ethnic tribal minorities.

§        Dialect are not budding and blooming as newborns, they are vanishing in residual remnants and dying out as ancient forefathers of national written standards.


Prolegomena to Substratic Indoeuropeistics

§        Indo-European was not a cognate mother of European and Indo-Iranian languages  but their step-mother that absorbed foreign languages as her step-children.

§        Nostratic languages are not daughters of one Euroasian mother tongue but cumulative clusters overlapping several heterogeneous Palaeolithic tribal languages. They pretend cognate affiliation by intertwining lexis as contact loan-words .

§        Indo-European languages did not originate by splitting and fragmentation from one postdiluvian (post-eneolithic) source but by means of convergent cohabitation.

§        There exist no direct mother-daughter relation between languages, only mutual interwoven intersections uniting statistic entities.

§        The false impression of Indo-European unity originated from the core of the European Palaeolithic axe-tool plant-gatherers infiltrated by Mousterian, Aurignacian and Magdalenian cultures of Asiatic hunters.

§        Indo-Aryan languages came into existence thanks to the eastward travels of Mesolithic cord-impressed cultures of western shell-fish eaters addressed as Getae; they settled down on their eastern pilgrimage as Frisians, Prussians, Permyaks, Khotanese and Brahmans. Their ethnonyms are all derived from Goths and Frisians.

§        Most Indo-European reconstructions consist of parallels found on the two-way highroad linking the western Mesolithic Getic shell-fish eaters with the Mehrgarh culture in Pakistan and Creole Pidgin Getic in the Vindhyas Ranges in India. The Bronze Age spread of the Gotho-Frisian Corded Ware (c. 3000 BC) was a resurrection of eastern excursions undertaken by the Mesolithic cord-impressed and kitchen midden cultures of Getic littoral mollusc eaters (c. 10,000 BC).

§        Indo-European languages did not come into being as cognate daughters of an eneolithic language unity in Eurasia but arose as heterogeneous islets of Asiatic raiders assimilated in the Getic western indigenous sea.

§       Dialects are not new outgrowths of national mother tongues but archaic residual structures of extinct ethnic tribal minorities.

Prolegomena to Linguistic Taxonomy

§        Linguistics profiles as a discipline dealing with national mother tongues and their ancestors reconstructed as large language families.

§        Their archetypes are embodied in proto-languages assembled hypothetically as syncretic lists, catalogues and cumulations of many inorganic and incompatible  grammatical traits.

§        The most urgent task of every scientific discipline is to revise its nomenclature of preliminary terms and to reshape them as essential categories acting as valid taxa.

§        Linguistics lacks pure essential categories and has to be reconstituted on the base of dialectology treating languages in an analytic manner.

§        Baudouin de Courtenay (1901) submitted a proof of „the mixed character of all languages“ and warned against treating them as compact homogeneous wholes.  Linguistics tackles the theoretical situation of medieval alchemy that did not distinguish elementary elements such as oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen and had to do with mixtures such as earth, clay, sand, mud and dirt.

§        Homer distinguished eteo-languages as pure, genuine languages’ of Eteo-Cretans and Eteo-Cypriots in contrast to mixed ‘misce-languages’ of innumerable other mingled  languages1. 

§        American philosopher Santayana coined a new trend of genetic essentialism maintaining that ‘human beings are only their genes’.

§        The ultimate goal of linguistics is to separate genuine language genotypes from syncretic cumulative phenotypes. Their valid taxa are hidden pure essences that can be extracted by distilling superficial phenomena of mixed lexical blends.

§        Post-eneolithic languages do not represent consistent integrated structures but chaotic clusters full of lexical grammatical and phonological anomalies. Consistent homogeneous languages existed only in the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic, when  prehistoric tribes lived in absolute isolation.

§        The birth of Indo-European is dated to 3000 BP at the very end of prehistory, when the Bronze Age megalith-builders started to conquer the earliest civilisations with mixed ethnic populations.

§        Language unities are fallacies concealing multiethnic domains created by convergent development of one administrative, military, demographic or quantitative majority.

§        The  essence of linguistic units does not lie in their modern appearance but in their dying genes conserved residually in their surviving dialects.

§        The core of languages does not lie in their static substance but in their dynamic tendencies. Tendencies  may be formalised metrically as directional vectors.

§        Lexical and grammatical repertories of dialects are less important than their deplete typological tendencies.

§        The ultimate goal of comparative linguistics is to extract essential genolects from superficial phenolects and reconstruct the human glottogenesis as a systematic evolutionary taxonomy of interrelated pure Palaeo-languages.








Homer, Odyssey 19, lines 172–177:  in Crete … there are many people, innumerable, and there are ninety cities. Language with language is mingled together. There are Akhaians, there are great-hearted Eteocretans …’.