Systematic methodology

Systematic ethnology

 Systematic anthropology                 

Systematic linguistics

Population geogenetics

Systematic poetics

 Systematic fokloristics



Prehistoric tribes

 Prehistoric tribes

Prehistoric languages

Population ethnogenetics

   Literary genres

Prehistoric folklore






*     Racial taxonomy

*     Ethnical taxonomy

*     Europids

*     Nordids

*     Indids

*     Littoralids

*     Caucasoids

*     Elamitoids

*     Negrids

*     Melanids

*     Tungids

*     Pelasgids

*     Cimbroids

*     Turanids 

*     Ugro-Scythids

*     Uralo-Sarmatids

*     Lappids

*     Sinids


                   Y-DNA Haplogroups of Caucasoid Tribes

                         Clickable terms are red on the yellow background


Map 1. The Migration Tree of Elamitoid Caucasoids with the Y-DNA Haplogroup J-M304








































The Mid-Range Reach of Chromosomal Genome Typology


   According to temporal durability, anthropological parameters may be divided into short-range markers, mid-range markers and long-range markers. The ABO blood groups belong to the category of long-range markers because they encroach upon typology shared by leptorrhinian apes in the Old World and the platyrrhinian monkeys in the New World. On the other hand, chromosomal population genetics may induce only a subcategorisation operating on a shorter interval of mid-range markers. The Y-DNA haplogroups A, B, E developed from lineages descending from Africa and their distribution is practically confined only to African countries. In Asia they came across the racial division of Denisovans, who were born in Asia. Their haplogroups C and R probably stem from the Altaic cradle land in Asia.

   Most anthropologists adhere to the Chris Stinger’s monogenetic single-origin theory that derived the descent of humankind from African hominids. They support the out-of-Africa model of anthropogenesis that claims that all living races owe their roots to Homo sapiens born in eastern Africa about 130 000 BP. In opposition to its hypotheses, Milford H. Wolpoff’s papers advanced arguments giving preference to Weidenreich’s multi-regional approach counting with different homelands of humanity and several independent regional centres of human evolution. His views point out that Denisovans represented an alternative prehistoric civilisation based on flake-tool industry produced by methods of Levalloisian technology.

    Current accounts of population genetics have summarised the prevailing monogenetic classification that endeavours to arrange all human chromosomal Y-DNA haplotypes into one evolutionary tree. It attempts to explain their rise via a series of successive mutations. The contemporary widely-accepted ordering of Y-DNA genomes is outlined in Table 1. It enjoys an autoritative influence but cannot conceal a few apparent inconsistencies. It fails to associate the African Negrids with the Oceanic Melanids and the African Negrillos with the Negrito of South East Asia. Neither does it associate the Uralids with the haplotype N with the Ugrids, who share the Y-haplotype Q with Amerindian Algonquin wigwam-dwellers. To general surprise, it finds closely related kinsmen in the N-haplogroup of Uralids and the O-haplogroup of the shortsized Sinids, although they speak incompatible isolating languages.

Table 1. The current ordering of  Y-DNA haplogroups

("ISOGG 2015 Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree Trunk"


Table 2. The Y-DNA diaspora of Palaeolithic axe-tool makers








































A Proposal of a Revised Taxonomy of Y-Haplogroups


   The ethnic interpretation of chromosomal types is governed by inveterate traditions of comparative linguistics that derived national tongues from the groupings of ancient and early medieval languages. Almost every local agglomeration of languages was proclaimed to represent a genetic family on account of fifty lexical cognates betraying similar etymology. It was termed ‘language family’ or a Sprachbund’, although it usually arose as a loose conglutination of several independent ancient tribes in the neigbourhood of a county or petty kingdom. The reconstruction of Old Celtic, Germanic, Slavonic, Iranic, Dravidian or Austronesian was not carried about from tribal and dialectal identity but national unity. Members of such groupings were not genuine kinsmen but only secondary in-laws. They were just neighbours linked with one another by contact and mutual intermarriages, not by common ancestors. In their circle the role of common predecessors is automatically ascribed to the most populous kin or the latest colonists. So they have to be considered as heterogeneous language domains of several extraneous substratum ethnicities are subjected to one dominant superstratum.



        Out-of-Africa exodus                              Levant meso-exodus                  Out-of-Asia exodus


Nordids                                                                                                                                                Littoralids

Europids                                                                                                                                               Pre-Europids


Sanids                                                                                                                                                 Sinids

Pygmids                                                                                                                                               Negritos


Khoids                                                                                                                                                Ugrids

Maasaids                                                                                                                                              Scythids






Negrids                                                                                                                                               Melanids

Congids                                                                                                                                                Papuasids  


Kafrids                                                                                                                                                 Tungids

Pelasgids                                                                                                                                              Palauids





                Table 2. A revised classification of transitional transmutations between Y-haplogroups


   The refined substratum approach warns that all nations, languages, religions, races and genetic groups represent mixed medleys and have to be analysed into the original pure elements. The lacunous haplogroup islets may coincide with a definite tribal ethnicity but high frequencies of their inherent haplogroup are manifested only in relatively recent plantations. Europe abounds in high frequencies of the Indo-European landmarks I1 and I2, while the second prominent group is formed by the Y-DNA types R1a and R1b and mtDNA type U of Turcoid origins. Their occurrence is due to Mesolithic colonisations of Maglemosians and Magdalenians dated back to 9000 and 17,000 BC. The third populous component was imported by Gravettians (33,000 BP) of Celtic, Gallic and Slavic descent and the fourth by the Aurignacians (40,000 BP). Their chromosomal types were peculiar to the Tungusoid Baltids, Ladogans, Polonids and Polovtsy and may appear in low frequencies of Y-hg C. Gravettians provably from the Galla region of Somaliland and lost their ethnic identity as early as before their departure from Africa. As they were superposed by Bantu Negrids, their A group type turned into the Negroid subtype  E-V13. The same fate afflicted the B type of Maasaids and Berbers that diluted in the Negroid chromosomal genome E-V22. Such discrepancies indicate that the accessible evidence of population genetics is distorted by time and early dating. Haplogroups of recent invasions shine through transparently, whereas earlier colonisations are irretrievable since they are dispersed by posteriority.  

  Probable transitions between three neighbouring areas of haplogenetic evolution are demonstrated in Table 2. The earliest lineages set out on an out-of-Africa exodus from the motherland of most hominids. Soon they arrived in the Near and Middle East, where they underwent transformations that turned into transitional subtypes and new formations. Their mutual diffusion created intermediary haplotypes falling into the transitional ‘out-of-Levant exodus’. In other words, the mainstream of Lower Palaeolithic haplogroups started in Africa, in the Middle Palaeolithic its offshoots flourished in the Near East and in the Upper Palaeolithic its continuators disembarked in refuges of Southeast Asia. On their travels the African herbivorous tribes of plant-gatherers ran across the colonies of Asiatic carnivorous Neanderthals and piscivorous Denisovans. Their interbreeding triggered processes of transmutation that produced new haplotypes.











































The Origin of the Caucasoid Elamitids with the Y-DNA haplogroup J-M304


   Our earlier books supported the hypothesis that the Caucasoid racial variety had arisen at Aden and it had acted as a crossroad or battlefield of two opposite civilisations: chamaerrhine Negrids and leptorrhine Altaic races. Current population genetic tends to opine that the J*-M304 came into existence in the Levant or eastern Anatolia near Cataonia. In the Neolithic this place was a host of a colony of peasants with tell-sites. The traditional designation of ‘Caucasoids’ is not suitable, because the Caucasus is a multiethnic geomorphological area of many heterogeneous tribes. Renato Biasutti and Egon von Eickstedt preferred to classify them as ‘Orientalids’. The portal proposes the following classification of ‘subraces’ or subclades descending from Mediterranids. In its opinion  Orientalids are “widespread Mediterranoid group, common in the desert and steppe regions from North Africa to South-West Asia. Similar to Mediterranid with long heads and dark hair, but darker skinned, with almond-shaped eyes, fuller lips, longer faces, long, mildly aquiline noses, and even leaner bodies. Probably developed after the ice age from early Mediterranid groups as an adaptation to dry climate. The low-skulled Arabids are often regarded as the most typical variety. In Persia, a taller, high-skulled Iranid variety is found, in North Africa a similar Libyid. The Targids and Egyptids are in transition to Mediterranid, the Assyroids in transition to Armenoid.” These racial groups exhibit a distribution similar to that Elamitoid peasants in the Fertile Crescent but unduly extend their group by several heterogeneous varieties of Asiatic pastoralist conquerors. The core of Caucasian Elamotids must be sought among the Neolithic farmers of the Levant, Mesopotamia and Anatolia. They were remarkable for heavy gigantolithic axes and adzes.  

   When we emphasise the requirement of typological unity, we insist on the presupposition that the Caucasoids must have corresponded to two halves of the Acheulian plant-gathering axe-tool makers. The first half settled down in Europe as Micoquians, who colonised the fertile alluvial riverside lowlands of boreal Europe. The other half isolated as Yabrudians accustomed to vegetate in arid areas of the Near and Middle East. The Yabrudian part of Neolithic farmers could not use wood as material for building houses, therefore it had to resort to constructing collective dwellings out of clay and rammed pisé. In the Neolithic this branch of Epi-Acheulean herbivorous plant-gatherers probably specialized as Anatolian, Levantine and Mesopotamian farmers with J*-M304, bull cults, pithos far burials, tell-sites and collective flat-roofed multi-cellular houses. Their dwellings were huddled into many-room settlements of family clans and were built on tell and tepe mounds from burnt ruins of previous collective sites addicted to circular shifting agriculture.

   Elamitoid Caucasoids split into the western groups J1-M267 and the eastern group J2-M172. The former group propagated especially in the Caucasus and the Mediterranean zone of Europe and Africa. Its J1-haplotype J1a2b-CTS15/Z1828 headed northward for the Caucasus, where it founded a colony of Godoberids. Their hordes roamed in areas inhabited by the Negroid Khvarshi tribes, who spoke languages remarkable for classifiers and prefixing morphology. Their mainstream however made for central and western Anatolia around Hassusa, which later became of the capital of Hittites. The Hittite society was variegated by settlers of several ethnicities. Their core consisted from Caucasoid farmers with tell- and tepe-sites, who were genuine Hittites but they neighboured with Khatts (Hatte)1 with darker pigmentation and Negroid origins. Their conquerors and overlords were the Nessites of Abkhaz origin, whose identity is often mistaken for that of purebred Hittite farmers. The Caucasian Hittites bore common names as Cypriote Hittim and the biblical Heteans in Judea or the Edomite kingdom. The latter are often mentioned as descendants of „Heth, son of Canaan, who was the son of Ham, born of Noah“.2 The Hatte did not speak Hittite but Hattic, so they ought to be designated as Hattids and distinguished from the Elamitoid race of Hittites ‘Hittids’.

Italids: a convenient denomination that looks like a suitable term for Spanish and Italian Caucasian Elamitoids with bull worship, bull-fighting, pithos jar burials and flat-roofed houses. Their distribution and density is highest in southern Spain, Sardinia, Sicily and eastern Italy. They should not be identified with Argaric people drifting via Gibraltar from Africa. The people of the phase B of El-Algar culture came from Africa and used pithoi jar burials. On the other hand, they were characterised by using ochre dye added as a sacred anointment of the dead corpse. This Pelasgoid custom suggests that they were of their mixed Iberomaurusian origin. 

Italids with the J2a1b-M67: Italiotes/Italici, Frentani, Brutti, Elymi/Elymoi (western Sicily).

Spain: J2a1b-M67 type mixed with el-Argar culture 2000 BC (J1a-FGC11), Gades-Cadiz, Italica, Gatas in Almeria.

Epirotids (J2b2-L83): a tentative term for Elamitoid subclades that settled around Epiros in ancient Albania.

Epiros: Paravei, Atintania?, Aperania, Aetolia.

Greece: Elymea, Pieria, Olympus, Hatera.

Hittids (J1a2-ZS3089): Heteans, Hetheans, Hittites, Hittim (Cyprus).

Levant: Jews, Judeans, Idumaeans, Edomites, Heteans.

Cyprus: Cypriote Hittim, Mount Olympus in the Troodos Mountains in Cyprus.

Creta: cultic centre on the sacred Mt. Ida near the Minoan capital Knossos with Minotaurus labyrinth.

Godoberids (J1a2b-CTS15/Z1828): a tentative term for genuine Elamitoid Caucasoids different from Khwarshi.

Lengyelians (J2a-M410): the most influential branch of Elamitoids flooded Europe with the Lengyel culture.

Susian Elamitids (J2a4h): the Mesopotamian Elamitids penetrated into central Asia with the haplotype J2a4h.


The Olympic Cult of Zeus


    The most astonishing conclusion concerning the origin of Greek mythology is the hypothesis that Zeus did not seize the throne in the Olympian pantheon as a patron deputy of Iindo-European tribes but he was delegated as a heavenly king of oriental Elamitoid peasantry from Anatolia. There were several pilgrimage centres of his worship in Greece, and all tended to glorify the sacred mountains Ida and Olympus:

(a)  the Olympos Mountains in Pieria and Elymea with the town of Dium,

(b)  the mountains Olympos and Ida Mons near Cydonia in Crete,

(c)  Ida Mons in Mysia and a local cult of Cybele among the tribes of the

       Olympene and Abrettene,

(d)  Mount Olympos and Elaeum Mons near Olympia in Elis,

(e)  Mount Olympos on Lesbos with the peak Ilias,

(f)   Mount Olympos and Idalion on western Cyprus,

(g)  the mountain Olympos in Peraea and the volcano Olympus in Lycia,

(h)  Mount Olymbos on the isle of Carpathos between Rhodos and Crete.

(i)   Mount Lykaion (Ancient Greek: Λύκαιον ὄρος, Lýkaion Óros; Latin: Mons Lycaeus) is a mountain in Greek Arcadia. Lykaion has two peaks: Stefani to the north and St. Ilias (Άγιος Ηλίας, Agios Īlías) to the south where the altar of Zeus is located.


Ancient Greek polytheistic region and its Olympian pantheon resulted from a long process of Pan-Hellenic convergent integration uniting isolated regional cults. It is false to imagine that Neolithic tribes celebrated several hundreds of names in the Olympian genealogy, they originally worshipped only a couple of deities alluding to the ethnonyms of their phratries:

(1) Idaeans (from Hades, Ida Mons Gutii, Hatte, Hittim, Aigyptoi, Aethiopes),

(2) Olympians (from Mt. Olympus, Elymea, Elis, Olympene, Elam, Elamites),

(3) Persians (from Persephone, Pieria, Peraea, Persís, Parthia),

(4) Susians (from Susiana, Sistan, Sesklo).


   Every tribal confederacy of Greek farmers carved wooden idols of their own chthonic polytheistic divinities. They erected them in the sacred grove on the slopes of the cultic mountain Olympus but only Crete could claim the privileges of Zeus’ birthplace. The highest Greek and Cretan divine being Zeus was born in the Idaean Cave on Mount Ida situated at Psychro or Dikte. His mother Rhea protected him as an unwanted child in fear of her frightful consort Cronos and let him nurse by a nymph called Amalthea or Adrasteia. According to some myths, a graceful nymph Idaea was frolicking on Mount Ida and once she lay with Zeus and gave birth to their son Cres, Κρής. He was celebrated as the first legendary king of Crete and an eponymous hero of this island. Diodoros Siculus promoted him to the founder of local chthonic mysteries and the forefather of the entire earth-born nation of the Eteo-Cretans, i.e. ‘True Cretans’.1 Psychro Cave was excavated by D. G. Hogarth, whose finds unearthed a small double-blade axe (labrys)2. Such two-bladed axes resembled the Nordic battle-axes (Bootäxte), and were probably regarded as ritual symbols in both Indo-European and Caucaso-Persian religion. They were dug up amidst sherds of S-spiral pottery and macrolithic industry.

  The Homeric term Illion for Troy and his epic Illias allude to the Elaeum Mons near Olympia in Elis. Its continuation may be seen also in the sacred Mount Elam worshiped by peasantry in Nepal. Elamitic languages were remarkable for using the African prefixed b-plurals in postpositive suffix position and it is probable that the expression Olympus conceals etymology from Elis, Illion (Elym + b-plurals = Olympos, Olympene). The biblical Heteans, Hetheans were polytheistic heathens worshipping the bovine Golden Calf and their priest Elijah defended the worship of Yahweh by the phrase Har HaElohim that means the mountain of God or the mountain of the gods’. Other remains of the Judean bovine polytheistic cults of sacred mountains can be discovered in Jewish legends glorifying Mount Olivet or Mount Zion in Jerusalem and Sinai.





























1 Kadir I. Natho: Circassian History. Bertrams Print On Demand, 2010, p. 41.

2 Genesis 10: 1-6.

1  Diodorus Siculus: Library of History, 5. 64. 1.

2 A. Trevor Hodge: The labrys: why was the double axe double? American Journal of Archaeology 89.2, 1985: 307–308, p. 307.