Systematic methodology

Systematic ethnology

Systematic anthropology

Systematic linguistics

Population geogenetics

Systematic poetics

Systematic folkloristics            




Prehistoric tribes

 Prehistoric races

Prehistoric languages

Prehistoric archaeology

  Prehistoric religions

Prehistoric folklore











*     Racial taxonomy

*     Ethnical taxonomy

*     Europids

*     Nordids

*     Indids

*     Littoralids

*     Caucasoids

*     Elamitoids

*     Negrids

*     Melanids

*     Tungids

*     Pelasgids

*     Cimbroids

*     Turanids 

*     Ugro-Scythids

*     Uralo-Sarmatids

*     Lappids

*     Sinids



*       Spain    France

*       Italy     Schweiz

*       Britain    Celts

*       Scandinavia

*       Germany

*       Balts   Slavs

*       Greece

*       Thrace     Dacia

*       Anatolia



The Anthropology of Caucasoids, Elamitoids or Gothonids

Clickable terms are red on the yellow background






Map 1. The distribution of Epi-Oldowan and Acheulian axe-tool cultures

 (Pavel Bělíček: The Synthetic Classification of Human Phenotypes and Varieties. Prague 2018, p. 93, Map 10)





Map 2. The distribution of Elamitoid and Caucasoid farmers with tell-mounds and flat-roofed labyrinths

(Pavel Bělíček: The Synthetic Classification of Human Phenotypes and Varieties. Prague 2018, p. 94, Map 11)









































The Caucasoids and Elamitoids: The Family-Tree of Agrarian tribes


The language identity of Indo-European peasants can be detected according to the simple i-a-u vocalism, rich vocalic quantity and a series of two-mora or three-mora falling diphthongs ai → ē, au → ō, which was suitable for hymns in quantitative prosody. It operated in Old Gothic and Ancient Greek but also in Old Indian and Classic Arabic as it was the common heritage of the Neolithic Europoid and Caucasoid peasantry. Later assaults of Asiatic herdsmen subjected peasantry to serfdom and suppressed their quantitative hymnology by the predominance of rhymed or alliterative syllabo-tonic epic.

Table 28. The family-tree of axe-tool cultures

Close kinship between European, Anatolian, Mesopotamian and Caucasian agriculturalists is proved also by their genetic family-trees that stem from the archaic Y DNA haplogroup IJ. Its haplotype is ancestor to the three ethnic and cultural complexes: the Caucasoid populations with the type J-P209, the Danubian farmers with the Linear Ware pottery (Linearbandkeramic) and the genetic Y DNA haplotype I2-M438 and the Scandinavian Corded Ware with the haplogroup I1-M253. Their complexes can be recognised also according to the morphology of housing types. Their earliest archetype indicates a large rectangular collective longhouse that is compatible with the Amazonian peasants’ maloca and dwellings of Melanesian agriculturalists (Y DNA haplogroup M-P256). Comparison to Melanesian peoples is of great import as the IJ and IJK-L15 haplogroups are genetically interrelated with the Melanesian haplotype M-L15. In the Neolithic the rectangular longhouses fell into three special subtypes. The Anatolian and Mesopotamian Caucasoids inhabited multi-cellular labyrinths in tell-mound sites and rectangular flat-roofed houses made from rammed clay pisé. The Danubian Linear Ware people lived in rectangular longhouses with monopitched roofs in fertile riverside valleys, while the Scandinavian Nordics adhered to archaic three-aisled terps with A-frame roofs on seaside dunes.

Table 28 sums up contemporary doctrines of genetic Y DNA haplogroup relations of human axe-tool cultures. It includes also corresponding palaeo-anthropological varieties of man but it ballots for earlier dating. It attempts to incorporate its clades into the more reliable framework of radiocarbon periodisation acknowledged as valid in modern archaeology. It takes over Wolpoff and Caspari’s model2 of ‘multiregional evolution’ proposed as a readaptation of Franz Weidenreich’s Polycentric Theory (Table 29). It argues that it is untimely to bury descendants of Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis as extinct races because their pebble-stone cobbled choppers and leaf-shaped lance-heads enjoyed abundant continuance till the Neolithic horizon.

Table 29. Franz Weidenreich’s Polycentric Theory



Goths/Gothones/Jutes (kings) – Frisians/Prussians/Persians (priests) – Angles/Langiones/Langobards – Saxons/Senones


open-air clearings in riverside valleys and lowlands with fertile alluvial soil suitable for rich plant vegetation


vegetarian herbivorous and granivorous dispositions, plant-gathering economy, shifting and fallow agriculture



rectangular longhouses for large collective families of as many as 200 clansmen, waterside settlements on dunes and tell mounds, Zwei-klassengesellschaft with two opposite longhouses facing one another and living in matrilocal endogamy, Frisian terp and wurt


ancestral cults, filial piety, bull cults, bullfighting, boucrania with bull skulls hanging on walls as idols of ritual cults, naturistic hylozoistic polytheism worshipping primordial elements of air, earth, water and fire impersonated by the divine deities of heavens, earth, rain and the sun, priests employed as rain-makers


Caucasoid inhumation under kitchen floors or under head-benches, kids buried in pithoi jars from clay, row-grave fields (Reihengräber) 


ancestral cults adore forefathers as gods, keep them in nearest proximity and try to identify with their remains by eating their dead corpse and drinking their blood


tall slim stature with dolichocephalous skulls, leptorrhinia with narrow noses and low nasal indices, light-haired type, light or reddish skin, grey or light brown eye colour


Acheulean hand-axes, macrolithic and gigantolithic axes, Bootäxte,


Neolithic models signalled long skirts, long-sleeved shirts


ABO group O, Rh+, Y-DNA haplogroup I, J, mtDNA haplogroup H


voiced-to-surd consonant correlation, rich nominal morphology, animate b-plurals and s-plurals, SVO word-order, subordinate that-clauses instead of participles and gerunds

Table 30. The cultural paradigm of Eurasian agrarian axe-tool tribes


The Diaspora of Elamitoid Caucasoids

Irano-Gothonids/Elamitoids: arid dryland agriculture, tell-sites on artificial mounds, flat-roofed multi-roomed labyrinths, clay houses and furniture from pisé (rammed clay), pottery with chessboard patterns imitating baskets and reed-mats, bovine cults, bull worship, cults of the Golden Calf, bull fighting, bull leaping, polytheistic idolatry worshipping wooden idols and icons, goddesses of love and mercy (Ishtar, Isis, the Holy Virgin), passional martyr gods (Dumuzi, Tammuz), hymns in  quantitative metres, pithoi burials in jars, ergative constructions, b-plurals, Europoid ethnonyms with the roots Hat-/Gut-/Copt-, Pers-/Fars-, Sus-.

Anatolo-Gothonid: Homo s. e. anatolicus, Hattians, Hittites, Kittim, earthen sarcophagus larnax.

Levanto-Gothonids: Judeans, Idomeans, Heteans, cult of the Golden Calf, the earliest pithoi in Syria dated to 1800 BC.

Georgo-Gothonid: Homo s. e. georgicus­, Georgians, Mingrelians.

Elamo-Gothonid: Homo s. e. elamiticus­, Elamites, Susians, Gutii.

Indo-Gothonid: Homo s. e. indicus et dravidicus, Gadaba, Kota, Kodagu, Dravidian ergative languages with b-plurals.

Euro-Gothonids: oriental farmers wit flat-roof huts in southern Europe.

Cretan Gothonids: Homo s. e. creticus: Cretans with subterranean labyrinths and sanctuaries for sacrificial butchering of bulls, idols of boucrania (bull skulls) hanging on the wall, Minotaurus cult, taurokathapsia ‘bull-leaping’.

Italian Elamitoids: Bruttii, Frentani, Italici/Italiotes, Elymes/Elymi bull sacrifice taurobolium to Magna Mater.

Spanish Elamitoids: bull-fighters toreros, bull-leaping recortes in Valencia.

Hittite Elamitoids: the race of Neolithic farmers of Acheulean origin that are called Caucasoids, Elamitoid, Ethiopids or Gothonids. They built mound tell-sites with multi-roomed flat-roofed labyrinths made out clay, pisé and sundried bricks. They were distinguished from other tribes by bull cults, bull-leaping, boucrania and subterranean sanctuaries for offerings of bulls. They included Aethiopes, Aigyptoi and Adiabara, in north eastern Africa and tribes of Catabanenses, Catai, Cattabeni in the Arabian Peninsula. In the Levant their rural agrarian villages abounded in the regions of the Hethite agrarian idololatrists such as Idumeans, Edomites, Judaeans, Judah and Gad-Peraea. Biblical records mention their leanings to idolatry, bovine cults, bull-worship and adoring the Golden Calf.

Afro-Gothonids: Epi-Acheulean preagriculturalist plant-gatherers, arid oasis horticulture, flat-roofed multi-roomed labyrinths, bull worship, bull fighting, bull leaping, ritual initiation of boys leaping over bulls’ heads.

Ethiopian Gothonid: Homo s. e. aethiopicus, bull cults, bull-leaping.

Aigyptoids: Egyptian agriculturalists fellahs, cults of the sacred bull Apis, clay tombstone mastaba, Christian Copts.

West Sudanese Gothonids: bull-leaping rituals, leaping over bulls’ heads.

Sino-Elamitoids: descendants of  Acheulean plant-gatherers, who transgressed  Movius’s line in Southeast Asia.

Burmids: they developed traditional patterns of Elamitoid peasantry with their collective multi-roomed flat-roofed houses and jar burials in storage earthenware.

Zhuang tribes in south China: Chinese Zhuangids represented a continuation of Burmids settled in Myanmar. Both varieties formed one racial group, whose main core lay in Burma. Its long tentacles jutted out to Yunnan and other Chinese provinces.

Philippines: a great amassment of burial jars in the Tabon Caves in the accompaniment of Tabon man (24,000 BP).

Amero-Elamitoids: dolichocephalous Elamitoid Pueblan basket-makers with b-plurals and flat-roofed labyrinth houses out of clay.

Puebloans:  descendants of Anasazi basket-makers, 5,000 BC.

Mayas: ergative Mayan languages with b-plurals.

Mesa Verde → Ancestral Pueblo → HohokamMogollonMayan language family (Mexico).

Table 25. Farmers stemming from the Epi-Acheulean axe-tool tradition 

(from P. Bělíček: The Analytic Survey of European Anthropology, Prague 2019, p. 73)











































Elamitoid Bull-Fighters and Bull-Leapers in Iberia, Italy, Crete and Anatolia


    Andalusian farmers on the Iberian peninsula were not kneaded out of the same dough as the Neolithic Dannubian agriculturalists but descended from oriental rootage. They did not inherit the Central European traditions of the Linear Band Ware but profiled as heirs of Anatolian field-cultivators. They showed consanguinity to the stock of oriental Elamitoid peoples, who lived along the long belt of arid dryland regions spanning from Asia Minor to India. Their cultural morphology reflected arid dry-land cultivation with inevitable irrigation and other methods of watering. Their common characteristic traits were flat-roofed multicellular houses on artificial elevated mounds. 

    The Spanish invention of agriculture probably drew inspiration from Africa but its penetration was not possible without local populations of autochthonous Acheulean plant-gatherers. They welcomed progress in tilling the land because they relied on vegetal sustenance and possessed innate preagriculturalist dispositions. The advent of the Neolithic agriculturalist technocomplex La Almagra (6,000 BC) may be explained as an import from the Iberomaurusian culture in North Africa. Its name suggested almagra ‘red ochre’ and derived from the production of red pottery. It was painted by special ochre dye appreciated by tribes of Tungids as a sacral blessing. Spanish links with oriental agrarian cultures were manifested in the cult of bovine divinities associated with bull-fighting, bull leaping and bull running known from Pamplona festivals. The bull embodied the supreme celestial deity identical to the Greek Zeus residing on the sacred mountain Olympos. 

(from P. Bělíček: The Analytic Survey of European Anthropology, Prague 2019, pp. 131-132)


   Hittite Elamitoids are the race of Neolithic farmers of Acheulean origin that are called Caucasoids, Elamitoid, Ethiopids or Gothonids. They built mound tell-sites with multi-roomed flat-roofed labyrinths made out clay, pisé and sundried bricks. They were distinguished from other tribes by bull cults, bull-leaping, boucrania and subterranean sanctuaries for offerings of bulls. They included Aethiopes, Aigyptoi and Adiabara, in north eastern Africa and tribes of Catabanenses, Catai, Cattabeni in the Arabian Peninsula. In the Levant their rural agrarian villages abounded in the regions of the Hethite agrarian idololatrists such as Idumeans, Edomites, Judaeans, Judah and Gad-Peraea. Biblical records mention their leanings to idolatry, bovine cults, bull-worship and adoring the Golden Calf.


(from P. Bělíček: The Differential Analysis of the Wordwide Human Varieties. Prague 2018, p. 26)


Indic Elamitoids with b-plurals 


India is well-known as a country of bovine cults, where the Indic zebu cows freely range along streets as sacred untouchable beings without being disturbed by passers-by. Their ritual adoration is an indispensable part of bull cults, bull fighting and bull leaping peculiar to all Elamitoid cultures with flat-roof architecture. The initiation rites of adolescent youngsters with ceremonial bull-leaping are not so common as in Ethiopia but their occurrence was reliably evidenced in the Mohenjo daro civilisation. They are engraved on a seal from Banawali (c. 2100 BC) that depicts an acrobat jumping from the back of a bull and landing in front. Modern survivals of bull-fighting are preserved in the jallikattu festival held as homage to Krishna. It is associated with bull-taming, bull-grabbing or bull-grappling, when two youths catch and grab a bull. In the state Tamil Nadu it is celebrated as a four-day long harvest festival pongal with motifs of Krishnas wedding ceremony.1

Krishnaism and its bovine cults were wide-spread among the Elamitoid factions of Dravidians, who tilled the land as peasants and formed the popular substratum of rural village communities. Their populations were abundant in Myanmar, southern India and Harappan city-states. Their ethnic customs   bore much resemblance to peasantry in Iranian Susiana, Ubaidans in Mesopotamia and Hittite farmers in Anatolia. Their spiritual culture celebrated flourishing heydays India with the rise of Neolithic pottery and agriculture remarkable for the use of Macrolithic and Gigantolithic handaxes. They enjoyed collective life in tell-site settlements and multi-roomed labyriths with flat-roofage.

The Neolithic revival did not dawn at random, it obviously grew out of the earlier autochthonous populations of axe-tool makers and plant-gatherers. Their masses probably came with the advent of Acheulean tribes about 800,000 BP and ranged as far as the Movius line intersecting Burma. Their hallmark was seen in sophisticated hand-axe bifaces of Acheulean Mode 2. Acheulean cultures came into existence in Ethiopia and southern Arabia by permeating the earlier colonisations of Oldowans with Levalloisian flake-tool manufacturers. Their people were remarkable for dolichocephalic and mildly hypsicranic skulls, taller stature, brachyskelic figure, long straight narrow nose and light brown skin.

There exist also surprising parallels between Caucasian and European peasant tribes’ ethnonymy, which may be taken for convincing testimony of common kinship. The Indian subcontinents was visited by two related races of taller leptorrhine dolichocephals with preagricultural dispositions, European Gothids with the Y-haplotypes I1, I2 and Oriental Gothonids with the Y-haplogroups J1, J2. The Indo-European Gothids were called Geto-Persians (later also Khattri-Brahmans) and imported cordmarked pottery that imitated baste-bound wooden tubs. The Oriental Gothonids were called Gutio-Farsians and manufactured pottery with chessmat patterns derived from baskets with reed-matting. Both branches originated in South Arabia but the former made for Anatolia, whereas the latter headed for Mesopotamia. After installing a plantation in Elam and Susiana they continued to the IndusValley and southern India. The Neolithic Revolution woke them up as Dravidian land-tillers and hoe-cultivators. The Kodagu, Kota, Kodava and Kadar settled down in southwest India, while Gadaba, Gutob, Odisha, and Parji dropped anchor in southeast India. Most of them retained ergative languages with absolutive and oblique cases and preserved their archaic animate b-plurals. Owing to f-plurals, the Brahui stock may be also counted to Elamitoids. They originally belonged to the Quettans and resembled Harappan farmers in the Indus Valley but afterwards they fell victims of Turcoid raiders, who turned their majority into pastoralist herders.

Among Caucasian nations there was a large group of lhbanguages with p/b-plurals. It included Georgian, Zan, Mingrelian, Ginukh, Gunzib, Dido, Tsakhur, Godoberi, Akhvakh, Chamalal (Table 28). Bedřich Hrozný scented p/b-plurals even in their tribal neighbours Kaspioi and Lullubei although they belonged to the Altaic stock of Kassites. Kaspioi were just inimical raiders, their common genuine endonyms comprised ethnic names such as Aigyptoi, Koptoi, Gutti, Hatti, Hittites, Kodagu, Kota, Gadaba and Khonde. These tribes pertained to the trueborn core of oriental Neolithic farmers in the Fertile Crescent, who created the culture of Mesopotamian and later also Amerindian Basket-Makers. They excelled in basketry and textile weaving using herbal materials accessible in the marshlands surrounding the estuary of big rivers of Mesopotamia. Their basketry invented the art of weaving reed-stalks into chessboard patterns. Such technique was typical of the Near East farmers as well as the Anasazi basket-makers in North and Central America. It was imitated by ornamental patterns on pottery.

These cultures were notable mainly for speaking languages with b-plurals and indulgence in flat-roof architecture. Their multi-roomed houses with uncountable annexes had doorless and windowless walls because they were accessed on ladders from above. Their travels to the northeast areas set out on several routes. One route led northward along the western coasts of the Caspian Sea. Another corridor of migrations proceeded through Burma to south China. The invention of pottery with chessboard patterns was an early Neolithic discovery but the skills of basketry were cultivated as early as the Upper Neolithic. The Amerindian Basket-Makers arrived in the New World as late as in the 9th millennium BC but their travels to Burma and China must have occurred in earlier periods. Grave suspicions identify their steps with Acheulean plant-collectors, who colonised the Far East about 800,000 BC. At that time they transgressed the Hallam L. Movius’s line in Burma and proceeded northward as afar as Korea. Typical Acheulean artefacts were excavated in the Chinese sites Bose, Luonan, Sanmenxia and DRR.
















7,8 %

2,1 %

0,8 %

51,9 %

23,3 %


3,1 %

30,9 %

0,5 %

5,0 %

24,9 %

2 %


0,8 %

16,6 %

2,5 %


38,8 %

1,2 %



10,7 %

0,8 %

1 %

65,2 %

15,9 %

Table 34. Y-DNA haplogroup frequencies in South Asia

Harappan Caucasoids with the J-haplogroup and b-plurals (Gadaba, Kota).

Dravido-Elamite J-stream (Macrolithic Dravidians with b-plurals and J-haplogroups): Kodagu, 

Kolami, Gadaba, Purji.

Burmese Elamitoids/Europids 1: Purum, Kadu 3 ´, Burmese, Parauk Wa, Prai, Pray, Prai 2 ´,  Prao, Kaco‘, W-Bru 2 ´, E-Bru 2 ´, W-Bru, Kataang, Brao, W- Katu, Katua, E-Katu

Burmese Elamitoids/Europids 2: Atong 3 ´, Kok Borok 2 ´, Koda 2 ´, Barisal 3 ´.


(from P. Bělíček: The Differential Analysis of the Wordwide Human Varieties. Prague 2018, p. 134-136)











































2  R. Caspari - M. Wolpoff: Weidenreich, Coon and multiregional evolution. Human evolution 11, 3-4, 1996, 261-8.

1 S. Vignesh: Hugging the Bull: Becoming-Animal in Jallikattu. Deleuze and Guattari studiesEdinburgh: University Press, 2018.